1715. Ansoff Matrix – .com

Today we see what the Ansoff matrix is ​​and what it consists of, which allows us to establish the growth strategy that best suits our project or business.

But first, let’s remember today ends the , with a couple of classes in which we see how to do marketing in this interesting marketplace, and what are the good practices that we should follow.

As for the Ansoff Matrix, it is a very simple analysis that allows us to decide our growth strategy based on the type of product (new or existing) and market (also, new or existing). Here I leave the rundown of the episode as a summary or checklist:

As for the model itself, it is very simple, here you can see it:

I invite and recommend that you spend a few minutes today thinking about which of the four strategies could best fit your project, considering the context of the market, the type of product, and the customer segment. What growth strategy would fit best in your case? Everyone to brainstorm!

As always, thank you all so much for your five-star ratings on , on , and , subscribing to and for being there, on the other side. Without you this would not be what it is, without you this simply… It would not be!

Gentlemen, here is the program! It’s Friday, so you already know what it’s about: Rest, relax and recharge your batteries, because we return on Monday with more and better: Your questions, the protagonists of the day. Until then… Very good weekend!

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