20 tips on how to study remotely and make the most of classes

Theand students who choose this type of education are looking for methods and strategies to help them deal with this novelty and its challenges.

There are many offers for those who want to study at home, not only from universities, but also from online courses.

It has never been more important to plan for success at home studying, as this can be new to many people. If you take face-to-face classes and now need to study at home, don’t worry: these tips are to help you increase your concentration levels.

The barrier for those who have this difficulty generally involves not knowing how to prepare, not finding motivation and the diversions of attention that are everywhere. It isn’t true?

Knowing that, we have prepared a practical guide with valuable suggestions for you who feel that it is difficult to perform more.

Here are the best tips for studying remotely:

1. Before starting a distance education course, understand how it works

For those who want to start a distance learning course and have not started yet, the advice is to better understand how EAD works.

Seek to understand:

What is?

First, understand how distance learning works, what are the formats, what are the existing platforms, what is the difference between distance learning and traditional education and other questions you may have.

If this is your case, take advantage and read our complete content on .

How do I know if it is a good option for me?

Once you have a good understanding of EaD, analyze the profile of the student who studies at a distance and understand if you have what it takes to do it too.

Often, studying at a distance seems to be the best option, but depending on the profile, the person cannot adapt.

Do not underestimate distance learning, the responsibilities and challenges are much greater than in a traditional course.

2. Choose good courses

After deciding that EAD is the best option for you, an important step is selecting good courses.

Choose an institution that is recognized by the educational authority of your country, that has good teachers, quality courses and a platform with a good virtual learning environment (VLE).

If they are free courses, do a lot of research and assess whether the chosen course meets your needs. Check the comments of other students and the evaluation that the course has.

It is also important that the course is hosted on a good platform that helps students learn.

Remembering that free courses are not normally recognized by the department of education in most countries, but they are still important. Well, they are an excellent form of qualification and you can also place the certificate issued in your Linkedin profile, obtaining greater possibilities of for instance.

3. Make sure you have the necessary equipment

Studying remotely requires a working internet connection and suitable electronic equipment.

Although you can watch the classes on your cell phone, it is important to have at least a computer and headphones. This will help you when you do exercises and assignments, and to listen better in class.

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Make sure your Internet connection is working well, as if it cuts you off during a live conference, it can harm you. Even when you watch already recorded classes, it is important that the connection is stable (so you don’t get angry).

4. Plan

Whether it’s for college, free courses, or any decision you make in life, planning helps you choose the best path and prepare for the journey.

Some people have a knack for making plans, others not so much, and it is these others who most need the advice in this guide.

Planning and evaluating the path is building a reference for the future.

When we keep that in mind, we make the process more fluid and better deal with possible unforeseen events.

It is part of the planning to study at a distance:

  • Have a clear goal. For example: “I am going to dedicate myself to this course because I want to work in this area within 3 years”; or, “I really like this subject and I want to specialize in it”; either; “I want to pass in everything without losing any average”. These can be life goals or just things that are going to add something you want a lot.
  • Know in advance everything you need to study. Know the schedule, read the index of the course, the teaching plan of the subject and get the necessary teaching materials.
  • Organize tasks in some arrangement that is best for you. For example: from the most complex to the easiest, or vice versa.
  • Use tools to help your planning. Some we suggest are:,, Y. With these apps, you can create lists and organize tasks, which will make your life much easier. Not to mention that you can use the tools that every smartphone has, such as: calendar, notes and alarm clock, which can help you remember the tasks.
  • Establish rules. For example: waking up early on weekdays, not watching series until you finish the study that was planned for that day, etc. Writing them down in a visible place will also be important, so that you internalize them better.

5. Organize your time

With the planning ready, it’s time to have a schedule, in your routine, to study. You may have to modify it or to implement your study plan.

Despite the flexibility that EAD courses provide, if there is no defined timetable for doing chores, the objective can end up being lost. Then the tasks accumulate, and when you want to remember something, it will have already snowballed.

So it is better to prevent! And the best way to do it is by creating your own distance study schedule. It can be a schedule with only study times or with all your daily activities.

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We recommend that you include everything, because that way

See how you can make a schedule:

  • You can make a table with the days of the week horizontally and the times vertically.
  • Define the most important daily activities, such as the time to wake up, go to sleep, meal times, the time dedicated to studies and even the moments of rest.
  • Define what you are going to study each day.
  • Then, post the chart somewhere visible, preferably where you’ll lay your eyes when you wake up, to get ready for the day.
  • If you prefer, just make a schedule with study times, defining what you will do each day. You can also create check boxes, as if they were goals and mark when you finish the task.

6. Prioritize the right things at the right times

Prioritizing means choosing, especially when you consider studying at a distance. You cannot say what you are going to have to prioritize, because that is you who establishes it, but try to be right in your choices.

However, how do I know if I am prioritizing the right thing? At that time you must remember your planning and your goals.

For example: you have an exam and you do not feel completely sure about the subject. Your friends call you to go out a day early and your goal is to get a good grade.

At that point, you have to understand that if you choose to leave, your goal is at greater risk of not being hit.

Therefore, prioritize staying home and studying a little more, then you deal with the other things.

On the other hand, if you are overloaded, tired and you are not going to perform well in what you are insisting on, prioritize taking a break, do other activities and return to study when you feel better.

7. Have an adequate space for studies

One thing is certain: everyone who needs to study at home must have a space equipped with a table, chair, good lighting and a quiet environment. Or, look for a space like where you can study with the least possible conditions.

It is true that sometimes you will prefer the sofa, the bed or even the bus, in the end, one of the advantages of studying at a distance is being able to choose how and where you are going to study.

However, there comes a time when it is necessary to have a suitable corner so as not to damage the spine and a peaceful environment to concentrate better. Who benefits 100% is you, who will better absorb the content, do well in studies and also take care of your health!

8. Do you study a lot at home? Invest a little in your comfort

Previously, the need to have good equipment was reinforced to ensure that you can study without worry. If you study a lot at home, it is also worth investing in a specific space for that.

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We also talked about the importance of studying in a suitable place so as not to damage your health. Therefore, reserve a small space in your home to create a study corner.

If you study a lot at home, it’s worth investing in a dedicated study table and chair. As well as ensuring your spine doesn’t get injured, it helps with concentration, as it’s a single-purpose place, unlike your bed.

9. Know your limits

Despite the fact that many times we want to do things backwards or force them, either to reach the goal faster or for other reasons, it is never good to exaggerate.

A good performance is directly related to dedication only to the point that your limits allow it. Nothing to spend all day sitting in the chair studying, without any pause.

Studying at a distance places you in a different context from face-to-face studies, which is why it is so important that, for you to be successful, you know your strengths and limits well.

Nothing to spend all day sitting in the chair studying, without any pause.

10- Avoid distractions

The deviations of attention are common even within the class. In the connected world we live in, distractions outside of class are even more numerous.

What you have to do to improve your performance is to do your best to avoid being disturbed. There are some strategies for that:

  • When you’re on the Internet, close browser tabs, programs, and applications that have nothing to do with what you’re researching;
  • Put the cell phone in silent mode, in night mode or leave it away from you;
  • Do one activity at a time;
  • Study in an environment free from noise and away from other people;
  • When you get tired, take breaks.

11. Join or create study groups

The union is strength, especially in studies. Currently, there are several study groups specific to a course or educational institution. Groups that are in social networks, inclusive.

Search and be part of one to exchange experiences and doubts with other colleagues, as well as motivate them and seek motivation as well.

If your course does not have a study group, it is super valid that you create one. It can be a WhatsApp group with a few people or even a Facebook group with more people. Talk to the course tutor to help you invite students and explain the reason for the group.

Believe me: there are many people who study with you. It’s time to join them!

12. Take breaks

As we mentioned before, it is extremely important to do…

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