3 pages of your Tiendanube that can help you sell more

We were seeing the power of communication and how it influences the results of your online store. Now that we know and , in this article we are going to see specific opportunities where all that knowledge can be applied.

Because what we were seeing in previous posts can actually be put into practice in every piece of communication you do, from product pages to newsletters.

But there are some in particular pages that cannot be missing in an online store and they are not given much importance. This is what I want us to talk about today, because it is not only an ideal opportunity to dump everything learned so far regarding content, but also because these pages are a missed opportunity to generate more sales.

So, we are going to see which are these pages that every online store should have and some recommendations for the content of each one.

About us

The first page that I want to make you notice is the famous “who we are” where the history of the brand is told and who is behind it.

This is the page where brand identity must be displayedwhere the personality of the project and of the people who do it every day have to be transmitted.

Some ignore it or put the minimum necessary, without knowing that eIt’s a very visited pagewhere people will learn more about the brand and decide if they are going to give their trust and become a customer.

The trust and credibility that this page can gain does not have to be with formalities. It is an opportunity to tell a relatable story and show who is behind the products. They can get hooked on the story and want to buy just because of it.

What can not be missing on this page:

  • Photos and/or videos (videos are increasingly used to present a brand and what it does).
  • The history of the projectthe beginnings and how it evolved.
  • show the press appearances and other channels to build reliability.
  • customer testimonials: Who better to tell how good your products are than the users themselves?

When writing the content of this page, these are some characteristics to take into account so that your brand becomes memorable. And even if they don’t buy from you at that moment, they keep remembering it in the future:

1. Tell a story

Previously we saw how we are attracted to stories (especially entrepreneurial challenges 🙂 ) and that was one of the . The “who we are” page is the ideal place to apply it.

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A good story makes the consumer connect with the products on an emotional level, gives them another meaning and the perceived value is different.

2. Show personality

This page has to clearly show the identity and what characterizes the brand. It is a good time to show what differentiates you from your competition.

3. Introduce the people behind the brand

It is also a good opportunity to humanize the brand and get closer to your customers in a more personal way. That they know who is behind them, who are the creators and those who work behind these products every day.

This especially applies to startups because it’s usually a small group of faces (and sometimes even a single one) and not thousands of impossible-to-show employees.

4. Make it original

Try to put it together in an original and interesting way. By drawing attention to the story behind the brand, you will draw attention to the products as well. That is, to want to be part of that history and support your project. And therefore to buy.


It is entitled “The story so far” and reflects the identity and spirit of the brand through images and texts (we recommend you enter and see it in full).


The contact page seems simple but do not leave it aside. This is an opportunity to keep the line you started on the “about us” page and continue to show brand identity.

In addition to an attractive design, it must have the different ways that a potential buyer or client can contact you to make inquiries, but also the different channels that you offer for those who are interested in following you and receiving news.

At the hour of writing, make them feel that their inquiries are welcomewith a friendly text.

So, they cannot be missing on the contact page:

1. Contact information

All the channels you have, this adds to trust: mail, telephone (if you have telephone or WhatsApp service), address (if you have a showroom or physical location), etc.

2. Social networks

So they can follow you and find out what’s new.

3. Subscription to the newsletter

The fact that they can leave you their email is key so that you don’t have to depend on social networks (and whether they show your posts or not). Having the emails, you can communicate with them whenever you want.

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4. Contact form

If you are going to use the form format to be contacted, we recommend that the questions be limited to what you really need to know and there are no extra things. No one feels like filling out a lengthy form to make a simple query.

It is also good to say what is the way you prefer to be contacted. For example, if it is easier for you to answer questions by mail, by WhatsApp message or if you prefer that they do it through the form because it is more organized that way.

Whatever method it is, clarify it. It will make your job easier and that way you will be able to answer faster and thus offer better service.


In addition to showing your data, your social networks and the contact form, the contact page kindly welcomes not only questions but also constructive suggestions.

Frequent questions

The content of the “Frequently Asked Questions” page is another opportunity that few take advantage of.

If someone landed on this page in your online store, they are showing a clear interest in your products. Do not miss the opportunity to solve your doubt and turn it into a client! Take some time to put together a complete, clear and friendly FAQ page for the person who visits it.

The important thing here is to provide a pleasant experience. Think that it is someone interested but that they have a question that they could not solve on their own or on the other pages of your store.

So, a good FAQ page:

  • it will save you work
    The questions that don’t come to you by having a full FAQ page are going to be queries that you don’t have to answer manually.
  • It will make you have more sales
    As we said before, if someone reached this page, they are interested. So, by being able to answer your question right away with these frequently asked questions, you will continue with the process and complete the purchase.

More sales and less work? I guess I already convinced you to spend some time on the content of your FAQ page, right? So here are some things to keep in mind when putting it together:

1. The tone

It is important to maintain a friendly and conversational tone, as if you were explaining to someone face to face, so that the person does not feel discouraged by your doubt.

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2. Make the search easy

I divided the questions into topics, such as “How to buy”, “How to pay”, “How to maintain the product”, etc. This will make it easier for the person to find the answer he is looking for.

3. Put yourself in their shoes

When defining what questions to put on the list, something very useful is to go through the customer’s purchase process yourself and at each stage think about the doubts they might have.

4. Don’t overdo the details

It is important that the information that answers the question is there, but also do not give unnecessary details that will make the answer too long and nobody wants to read it.

5. Add an action at the end of the response

Once the person finds their answer, make sure they don’t get lost on that page. You can put a button or a link that takes you to the product page for example.

You have to be strategic in what questions to put, so that it covers the doubts of the entire purchase process and the products, but also in choose the right amount of information and the right words when assembling the answers.

It’s going to be inevitable that some of the answers to these FAQs will be long, depending on how much detail is needed. Don’t forget to apply what we saw in the previous class about .


It answers the most important questions in a direct and scannable way by the reader, using the resources in bold and using links to access more information.

So, these three pages, often left aside, are actually a great opportunity for you to show the identity of the brand, you gain the trust of your possible consumer and transform him into a client.

Do not lose this chance! Get to work putting together the best content for these pages.

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