37. Spanish classes with Beatriz Mora

With Beatriz we talked about adapting to the environment, turning around, starting lean, and how a specific idea evolves to become a global business model.

Beatriz is a digital nomad and currently lives in Barcelona. A technical engineer and industrial designer by training, Bea defines herself as a traveler at heart.

She moved to Arizona for love and, thinking about what she could do for a career, she decided to try teaching Spanish. She drew on her own experience as a language student to improve the learning system.

His first marketing action was to hang posters in the library and thus he obtained his first students. The profile of his students ended up being very varied and the more classes he gave, the more he liked it.

When her visa in the United States ran out and she returned to Spain, she decided that she wanted to continue teaching Spanish. The investment to start his business was less than €80, which was the cost of the website. In order to grow her business, she received classes in different languages, learning, in addition to the language itself, other ways of teaching the classes.

Her family was surprised that she began to teach Spanish instead of working as an engineer, although she had the support of her partner, who helped her set up the website and start the business from the US. Her town did not It offered her too many possibilities at the face-to-face level to work or grow, which encouraged her to undertake online.

But as we will see, he was very clear that he wanted to start his own business, so he avoided working for other platforms. Beatriz has learned that to make a living from teaching she doesn’t need many students: a few who are “good” are enough.

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His advice is to start little by little, with a single student, to leave him fully satisfied and get him to recommend you to others. His business began to grow and, realizing that he could not work for everyone, he decided to raise prices.

As he will tell us, the best thing about teaching online is that you can work from anywhere in the world. Working with students of different levels was complicated, so he specialized in a medium-advanced level. The more she specialized, the easier it was to teach the classes, and she had a better quality of life for herself.

And pay attention, because we will see how the evolution of her project led her to create a platform to teach other teachers to teach online. She detected a niche market for online language teachers and created it.

Beatriz knows that, due to the large market around her activity, competition is not a problem. She is also convinced that online teaching is the future 🙂

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