5 things you should do if you have a Yahoo account

It’s happened again, yahoo has confirmed another case of hacking violating the personal information of its users, but in this case it has affectedover a billion accounts! And now the question that arises is what to do if you have a Yahoo account in order to protect your data?

Making history: Yahoo’s recurring security issues

Barely , Yahoo admitted to having suffered the theft of some user data at the end of 2014. At first the rumors claimed that 200 million accounts could have been affected, but in the end Yahoo reported that they were at least 500 million.

Back then we were shocked by the number. Well, now that in another security breach of August 2013could have been affected by nothing more than billion accounts. Wow, this security thing has gotten out of hand.

Yahoo’s chief information security officer, Bob Lord that the company could not determine how the data of these one billion user accounts was stolen, and further confirmed that “the Information stolen from accounts may include names, email addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, password hashes, and in some cases, encrypted and unencrypted security questions”.

5 things you should do if you have a Yahoo account

Yahoo claims it is notifying account users that may have been affected in this security breach by means of an email, requesting them to change their password, but if you still have doubts about what you should do if you have a Yahoo account, here we give you 5 tips:

1.- Update your Yahoo account

If you have not changed your username and password since August 2013 (the time this information theft occurred) you should do it right away. Additionally, Yahoo is requesting that you change your security questions and answers as they may have been compromised as well.

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2.- Change Yahoo passwords or security questions… in other accounts

Many services are used through our email accounts. If you used your Yahoo password or the same security questions on other platforms or services such as bank accounts or banking services, could also be compromised. It is best that you change them immediately. It is an opportunity that for each service you have, sometimes it is a bit confusing to remember them all but it is the best in terms of security.

3.- Use a password manager

And speaking of not being able to remember multiple passwords, platforms like LastPass or 1Password they can generate and store passwords and security answers for all the accounts you have. These types of only require the user to have a master password so that you can facilitate your access, if it is difficult for you to remember different passwords.

4.- Never trust emails that ask for your personal information

Yahoo advises its users to be wary of “any unsolicited communication where they ask for your personal information or refer you to a web page asking for personal information” Not only in this security breach but as a general rule in no email will your access data be required. In addition you must avoid clicking on links or downloads that you consider suspicious or that come from email addresses that you do not know.

5.- Check your bank accounts

No caution is superfluous. Review activity in your online banking to detect suspicious activitysince in addition to your private accounts, hackers could use the personal information in your Yahoo account to try to open a credit card in your name.

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The main thing is to have good security practices on an ongoing basis, in this way no security breach will be able to put your Yahoo account or any other account you manage at risk. And in the meantime we will wait to see how this matter of Yahoo’s insecurity unfolds and how it takes it Verizon If that


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