5 tools to create a great landing page

A landing page or landing page is a great tool to grow your online store and achieve different types of conversions, that is, people who visit your site interact with it (for example, registering their data or buying a product). Users usually arrive at a landing page through some promotional channel (emails, Ads, etc.) and if the content they find fails to attract them, they will leave without hesitation and may not come back.

At this point, you are probably asking yourself: when do I need a landing page? While a landing page is useful any time you want to convert users, you shouldn’t use one unless you can offer your customers something of value in exchange for viewing it. Therefore, it is common that these types of pages are used to promote relevant content generated by your brand (such as ebooks and webinars), to offer free trials or special promotions and as a landing page.

In general, it is recommended that a landing page meets a series of conditions to be effective.

1. Get to the point

One of the most important things is that you are direct and clear, without distractions that make it difficult for your customers to understand what they have to do to access what you offer them. If what you are giving them is simple, why complicate yourself with pages full of text and images that can confuse?

2. Detail the benefits

It is well known that reading on the web or on a screen is not the same as doing it in traditional media: our attention is less and we tend to go through the texts faster. It is necessary that everything you write is clear and well highlighted. A good way to do this is by using bullets, which are nothing more than points that serve to summarize a topic in a series of short sentences.

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3. Use short forms

Whenever you include a form on a landing page, it is important that it has as few fields as possible. A form is usually included when you want to get data from users and you are going to give them something in return: an ebook, a webinar or some kind of original content. Only ask for the information you consider necessary, the more fields the form has, the less people will finish completing it.

4. Include a call to action that leaves no doubt

A (better known by the expression in English call to action and by its acronym, CTA) is a button, link or phrase that invites the user of a site to do something.

5. Make it viewable on any device

As a last tip, remember that it is key that all your content is responsive, that is, that it can be . More and more people browse sites from cell phones or tablets, so you will lose a good part of your audience if you do not adapt your content.

At this point, you will be saying: “everything is very nice, but how do I make a landing page if I don’t know much about design?” The good news is that you don’t have to be a designer to be able to make a page of this type. Here are some tools so you can create it yourself:

1. Instagram

With you can create a landing page without any technical knowledge. You have almost 100 templates to choose the one that best suits your needs and you can modify them to your liking with a simple editor.

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The price: If you use it for free, the tool will include a message on all your landings clarifying that it is a free version. Paid plans start at $29 per month.


It is a very complete website through which you can create different types of landings and even add a form to them. it also offers you an editor so you can change the parts you want and the possibility of integrating data analysis tools, such as Google Analytics. Also, if you don’t have time to create your page, you can hire them to do it for you.

The price: you can try it for free for 30 days and the cheapest plan is $25 per month.


Through not only you can create your own landings without having knowledge of design or programming, but it also allows you to integrate multiple tools, such as MailChimp, Olark and Salesforce, among many others.

The price: It offers a 30-day free trial and then you have to sign up for plans that start at $49 per month.

4.theme forest

It is a website where you can find almost 900 templates to design your landing page, although in this case you will need to have some technical knowledge or hire someone who can do it for you. In you can see demos of the templates and access detailed information about their features.

The price: each template has a different price according to what it offers. The cost varies between US$3 and US$97.

HubSpot is one of the leading companies in and offers a wide variety of ecommerce solutions: from email marketing, to blogging tools, to the ability to create landing pages, among other things.

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The price: due to the large number of features it offers, its plans are designed for not-so-small businesses. The cheapest plan is $200 and the most expensive is $2,400.


As you can see, a landing or landing page is a very important element to help your business grow. Fortunately, there are many tools so you can create them yourself and they are as easy as Tiendanube, the best platform for you to start selling online. and tell us what you thought.

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