7 ideas to boost your online sales this Holiday Season

The holidays are approaching and the madness begins and the fierce competition between all the brands to be part of the Christmas trees.

It is true that it is a key time for your sales, but also particularly difficult to get the attention of your customers because they are full of stimuli, communications and promotions everywhere.

That is why I want to present you with 7 different ideas to boost your sales, but also and above all to get customers who not only buy from you at the holidays, but also come back the rest of the year.

And so that in addition to selling, you live the real spirit of Christmas more! ☺

1) Sweepstakes or contests

It’s the time to give gifts, so you can take advantage of the first weeks of December and make raffles by giving away products. Invite people to participate to have the gifts ready!

Ask them to sign up to your mailing list to participateso beyond the person who wins, you will have a list of potential interested parties to whom you can send your promotions and products in the following weeks.

It may be a good time to join forces with other entrepreneurs. Maybe do a joint raffle where they add several products and put together a super Christmas kit. Each one publishes it with their followers and doubles the exposure of the two brands.

Another option is to make an alliance with influencers or bloggers who have a high base of followers and offer them products for them to raffle on their networks.

2) Differentiate yourself in your social networks

Take advantage of this time to do something more creative on your social networks. Communicate your products in tone with Christmas, add more personality or connect with the emotions that arise at this time of year.

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These brands opted for humor and a personal touch, following the style of their brands.

While the clothing stores took the opportunity to present their products with a Christmas theme, recommending armed sets.

3) Content that adds

It is an ideal time to share and content can be one of the best ways to do it and attract more and better visits to your online store ().

You could make a list with gift ideas, a video showing how to wrap them, recipe ideas, how to decorate the house or how to surprise the little ones. Something that has to do with your brand but is not directly focused on selling but on offering tips that add value!

This way you will attract more people because you offer them what they are looking for or what they are thinking about on these dates.

See how these two brands took the opportunity to offer downloadable decorations or cards for names in gifts. Ideal if they leave their email to download it so that they can stay in your base too!

4) Simplifying life

It is an excellent time to help. Put yourself in the shoes of your potential clients, they will all be on the run, busy and a little upset, everything you can do to simplify their lives a bit will be more than welcome! ☺

Most are not buying for themselves, but gifts, so you could divide your store into sections that help find gifts easier. This saves you the trouble of navigating your entire page to find what you are looking for.

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In this example they made sections based on who receives the gifts:

Another way to make life easier for your customers is to send them the purchases already wrapped as a gift or putting together exclusive Christmas kits by joining several of your products and that they come in a nice box, ready for the tree!

There is also the example of last year that created the Truppi Happy Edition by uniting several of its products for a limited edition at parties:

5) An emotional extra

Another idea is that for each purchase in your store your customer knows that they are donating or helping someone this Christmas.

You can make an alliance with a foundation and communicate that you are going to donate a % of the sales or for each product you donate another product.

If they are about to choose between your store and another, this extra can push the balance in your direction and it is also an excellent opportunity for you to do something nice with your brand, helping others ☺

6) Promotions that add value

Of course discounts are important. It is the time when everyone is looking for one. But what you might think is what to offer extra for shopping in your store or how to give a different touch to your promotions.

  • A free gift with purchases. In this way the person will have a more solved gift.
  • Limited time promotions, quantities or limited Christmas editions, using the feelings of scarcity and urgency.
  • Faster shipping or free shipping. That the purchase arrives on time is one of the most important things at Christmas! A day late can make all the difference.
  • Envelope or cards for a gift free of charge.
  • A gift card gift with your purchase, so that later you can buy something for him or her. And you also encourage him to come back!
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7) A personal touch

If there is an emotional time of year, this is definitely it. It is an excellent time to surprise your clients with a personal touch.

  • What if you send them a handwritten card thanking them?
  • Or a gift to your top 10 customers?
  • Any detail that surprises you?

Use all your creativity!!! It’s your chance to surprise. Think of it as an investment to win long-term customers.

  • How can you help them make their purchases easier?
  • How can you connect more emotionally?
  • How can you give them something extra for choosing you?
  • How can you add value to them and make their life simpler in this chaotic month?

It’s your chance to boost your sales but also and very important for get the best spirit out of your brand and get loyal customers for the rest of the year.

I hope you find the ideas useful and that the Christmas spirit begins!!

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