7 tips to stand out on Black Friday 2021 in the fashion sector [Ebook] – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

In Spain, the fashion sector, together with the electronics sector, are the sectors most coveted by consumers in . Year 2020 had a tremendous impact on the fashion sector. The pandemic has wreaked havoc and it seems that electronic commerce has been the only palliative that has managed to alleviate the harshness of the situation. In fact, according to a study by , eCommerce already represents 28% of the value of clothing and footwear sales worldwide.

We are now in 2021 and it is time to look ahead. With the vaccines underway, little by little we began to book vacations, appointments, dinners with friends, etc. People want to renew their wardrobe and make room for new clothes. What advice can you follow in this next edition of Black Friday?

7 tips that you can apply during the black friday 2021

1. The home page of your website is your showcase

Advertise your products in the most attractive way possible. Use photos at different angles, close-ups and short videos with models. This will make it easier for consumers to imagine themselves carrying those items.

2. Clear and flexible returns

Offering a clear and free one can make a difference this coming Black Friday. According to, 88% of consumers surveyed said that free returns are important or very important in their purchase decision. Chargebacks can help you save money, but they can lose you customers.

3. Brand ambassadors

Your customers can be your best brand ambassadors, so they should play an important role in your strategy. Ask them to tag your brand when they publish photos with your articles, show opinions of your clients on the web, etc. In other words: let your customers be the ones promoting your brand on Black Friday.

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4. Make sure your product listings are constantly updated

Especially the stock. It is very annoying to be interested in an article that is later not available. Also, check that your product ads contain accurate information on stocks, prices and available sizes. This way you reduce the cost per click and improve the . A good example is to avoid advertising products that are out of stock or products whose only available sizes are the least sold, such as XS or XL.

5. Apply omnichannel as soon as possible

The online world offers thousands of options to help your products gain visibility and transform interest into sales. on different channels It can be a tremendously effective strategy, but getting it right takes time, effort, and dedication. So get on it as soon as possible.

6. Sustainability, the most appreciated value

It seems that the fashion sector, always associated with compulsive purchases, is increasingly moving away from the fast fashion concept. On the contrary, this concept is beginning to be replaced by a very different one: sustainable fashion. Being an industry that produces the , it is normal that more and more customers identify themselves with brands that carry sustainability and transparency in their DNA. This Black Friday 2021 we will surely not stop hearing terms such as ReCommerce or sustainable shipments (Green Shipping).

7. Increasingly personalized messages and ads

Using generic messages without personalization has to be a thing of the past. In fact, 75% of customers say they prefer fashion brands than Currently, thanks to automation and artificial intelligence, it is very easy to personalize messages and ads en masse, being able to generate hundreds of ads adapted to each audience without having to waste a lot of time.

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The team of has prepared the guide Black Friday 2021: The Forecast”. In it you will find challenges, trends, changes and tips that you can apply to your strategy. We hope that this guide will help you to know a little better what you are facing next Black Friday and that through these tips you can get the most out of it in 2021.

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