8 graphic design trends that will star in 2019 [Infografía]

The landscape of graphic design in 2018 it was defined by bright colors, chaotic fonts, hand-drawn illustrations, or the double exposure effect in photography, which many companies like Apple or Google have been able to exploit to the fullest. What will 2019 bring us? We’ll tell you something ahead of time: it promises to continue pulling that taste for retro that has prevailed in recent years.

In this regard, he has an infographic highlighting the trends that will dominate graphic design in the coming year. It contains, in eight sections, the main points to be closely marked. Let’s see them.

1. Explosion of bright colors

Electric yellows, bright corals, vivid blues… Pop arrives in 2019 with all the force in the world, replacing the discreet color palettes of past seasons. If last year bold colors prevailed, this year the color gains in vividness, including lighter but intense and striking tones. We have a clear example at Apple, which a few weeks ago included this type of color in its designs.

Another example is this wonderful combination of blues, pinks and reds in the following example:

Or the design of this annual report:

2. Strong Typographic Focal Points

Perhaps to talk about another of the graphic design trends in 2019 we can talk about a well-known brand: Adidas. In recent seasons the company has chosen to use bold fonts in all your marketing.

And it is that in bold they facilitate the reading of the texts, especially in online media, in addition to providing an image of strength, audacity, innovation and individuality. This year they will be the undisputed protagonists, the main focal point in graphics and creations, alone or in combination with other compositional elements. And for sample…

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3. Futuristic influence

Futuristic influences will be the design mainstream in 2019. Do you remember those eighties movies that talked about the 2000s as the future? Well, the time has come for the design to reflect that futuristic aesthetic that, according to the cinema of yesteryear, we are experiencing now. How? Via futuristic textures, patterns and colors. In fact, that this year bright and electric colors are popular is not a simple coincidence, do you think?

If you want to give your designs this aesthetic, try creating something that looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. Some tricks? Abstract backgrounds or patterns, color gradients, holographic or reflective elements… We show you some examples that perfectly define this trend.

4. Light and dark color schemes

Some technology companies like Apple or Facebook are already using it in their applications. We refer to the combination or versions of light and dark colors in the same design, which gives great flexibility to the final work. Let’s see examples.

5. Complex gradients and duotones

Nothing like a gradient to give that feeling of depth to designs. This is very noticeable on mobile devices. And this year we have it as a trend that, we warned, is here to stay!

6. Colorful Minimalism

Many people have confused it with the specific use of black and white, or neutral color palettes, but minimalism is about reducing the design to the necessary components. In 2019 it will arrive accompanied by color and creativity.

7. Dynamic and detailed illustrations, made by hand

Custom or hand-drawn illustrations are the best way to stand out for authenticity (and avoid unnecessary plagiarism). Last year they had already set a trend. But if in 2018 we talked about simple illustrations, in 2019 we will do it with dynamic drawings, more complete and complex.

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Here is a clear example. In the first image we can see a series of illustrations that Mailchimp had made last year. They are simple drawings that contrast with the new creations of the company, in the background. Another approach with more complex illustrations, with that author’s touch that we particularly love!

8. Authentic and genuine photography

Creatives and art directors have been orienting themselves more towards author photography, authentic and genuine, which contrasts with the typical images that we can find in any graphic bank. Photographs to be taken in 2019 must look as taken with personal camera or phone from someone, not by professionals. Less editing and more originality and freshness!

Then we leave you the complete infographic, which you can also view at

What do you think of the new graphic design trends that will be in 2019? Do you already have any ideas that you can apply to your work?

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