70% of millennials believe that the mobile listens to their conversations to show personalized ads – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

The custom ads are those that appear based on our interests. New personalization technologies they program advertising so that it adapts to what we are seeing or looking for on the web. But what really think consumers from having their data tracked for advertising purposes?

Personalized ads can be beneficial in many cases. For example, it alerts us to discounts on items we want to buy or even shows us products that we don’t (yet) know we need. In other situations, however, it can be interpreted as a excessive meddling of privacy and, therefore, can generate distrust in the consumer.

This is what consumers really think of personalized ads

To clear up some doubts in this matter, the team of the digital signage advertising platform, , has carried out a To over 1,000 people with the aim of knowing the user opinion about personalized ads, which platforms they see them on the most, and when they think personalized ads cross the boundaries of their privacy. From this we have found some interesting data.

Most users are aware of tracking their data

First of all, the survey reveals that people are quite aware that your data is taken to provide personalized advertising. A 85% of those surveyed say they know what personalized ads are, especially men. Despite the fact that it is women who make the most online purchases, the study reveals that men (87.6%) are more aware of this type of propaganda than they are (81.8%).

And what experience do users have with personalized ads? As an example, it should be noted that almost all those surveyed have noticed advertising referring to some website they had visited Recently (90%). Slightly fewer, 81.7%, have viewed product recommendations based on their purchase history, and just 38% reported receiving a discount coupon from a store they had just entered. As a curious fact, a 58.8%confesses to having seen advertising for a product that they had spoken (out loud) recently.

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Regarding the platforms where these ads have been seen the most, there are no surprises. The ones that are most popular –the ones that move the most people-, are the ones that take the cake: Facebook (72.3%), Instagram (50.5%) and Youtube (46.1%).

Personalized Ads vs. User Privacy

On the other hand, although most users are familiar with personalized ads, half of those surveyed consider this type of advertising to be unethical (52%). 80% of users feel that it is an invasion of their privacy when they see advertisements for articles or products that they are talking about. While 54% are also unhappy to see ads based on their search history.

This distrust may also have a lot to do with the social network in which they are published. For example, the lack of security for users on Facebook is almost Four. Five% and in Snapchat something similar happens (43.6%). In either case, no social network reaches a 30% trust between users.

When to consider a personalized ad unacceptable

The truth is that users do not welcome personalized ads that are generated based on their conversations or the stores they visit. On the other side of the coin, the advertising that is produced from the tracking of data more related to our purchases (ads based on search history, birthday emails from stores in which it has been purchased or reminders of items that have been left in an online basket) have a higher acceptance rate.

Even so, the click-through rate on personalized ads does not exceed 25% in any of the cases.

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70% of millennials believe that the mobile listens to their conversations

One of the symptoms that user data may be overused is that a 60% of users respondents believe their phone or laptop listen to their conversations to later show personalized ads. Especially the generation that uses the Internet the most, that of millennialswith a 70.3%.

Although Facebook has already denied that it uses the microphone of its users’ phones to show personalized ads, keep in mind that they can always have access to it if the Privacy settings set by users allows it.

In short, while it is true that consumers prefer ads more tailored to their interests, there is a thin line that separates opportunity from invasiveness. It seems that users understand that the best ads are those that can be personalized without using more intrusive means such as geolocation services or microphones on smart devices.


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