Backup Copies from the Panel of your Hosting in cPanel

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At we have an application at the level of the cpanel call SuperBackup that will facilitate the backup management or that are done automatically in your hosting account.

If you make changes to your site and want to go back to how it was before these changes, but you didn’t make a backup, don’t worry, you can use SuperBackup to restore your website.

At we have three backup systems one of which is SuperBackup.

SuperBackup offers a simple interface and various options for restoring backups from the last 30 days.

Once you enter your hosting account, locate the Applications section and then the SuperBackup application.

After accessing you will see that you have two sectionsthe first one shows the possible recovery options what can you do and the other one history of restorations what you have done

Let’s focus on the first section, we see that you have the following options:

Download Full Copy

This option allows you to download a full copy of the Cpanel account of your site, that is, it includes the files, emails, database, etc.

It is recommended to use this option when you are a advanced user and you want to make a manual restore of your account.

After clicking on download full copy, a screen will appear where you can select the date and see the time the backup was made.

After selecting a date, click on the following and you will see that a confirmation screen will appear:

By clicking on Yes, we will see that a screen will appear where a download link:

Next, another screen will appear with the download link. If you closed this screen by mistake, don’t worry, you will also see the copy available on the main screen in the Restoration History section.

Restore the public_html folder

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with this option you restore the main folder of your hosting accountunder the public_html folder are the files of all your websites that you have on your hosting account.

After accessing the Restore public_html option you will see a screen to select the date of the copy you want to restore.

After selecting the date you want and clicking next you will see a confirmation screen:

after confirm the recovery process will beginas shown in the following image:

Then a confirmation screen that the restore has been completed successfully.

Keep in mind that you will also see the confirmation message on the Restoration History screen, and you will also receive an email with the confirmation.

Restoration of Post Office

This option allows you restore email accounts whose content was stored on the server at the time of making the copy, this is because if you have configured your email accounts with POP3 to download to your local machine, then the emails are not stored on the server and therefore will not be part of of the copy.

When using the Restore mail option, it will show you a screen to select the date of the copy you want to restore.

After you click next, the system will start searching for the emails you have created.

When finished, a screen will appear with the mailing list, from there you can use the restore option.

a will appear confirmation screen before proceeding with the restore.

Then the restore process will begin:

This process can take several minutes, at the end you will get the confirmation screen:

You will also see a new restoration record on the Restoration History screen, and you will also receive an email that the restoration has completed.

Restore File or Directory

In the first option we saw that you could restore the entire public_html directory, but this is often impractical.

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if you know what files have you modified or what directories have you changedthen it would be more convenient to just do a restore of those specific directories or files.

After selecting the Restore file/directory option, the screen for selecting the file/directory will appear. date:

When clicking next, a screen will appear where we will place the name of the file or directory that we want to restore.

After searching for a file or directory, a window will appear. list of possible matches.

For example, if we search for the wp-config.php file, something similar to the following image will appear:

In the example, I am interested in restoring the WordPress wp-config.php file, that is, the first record of the previous image.

A confirmation screen will appear:

Later the restore process will start:

At the end we will have a screen that the process has finished satisfactorily:

Likewise, we will see a record in the Restoration History and additionally, a confirmation email will not arrive.

Restore Database

Software like WordPress, Joomla or PrestaShop not only use files, but additionally They have a database to store your information..

With this option you can restore a copy of your site’s database.

Once this option is selected, a screen will appear to select the date where you want to restore.

After selecting a date and giving next the system will search all available databases in your hosting account.

A screen will appear with the localized databasefrom that list you can select which database to restore.

A confirmation screen will appear:

Then the database restore process will begin.

At the end we will get a message that the restoration has been completed successfully.

We will also see a new record in the Restoration History, in addition to the fact that the system sends you an email when the process is finished.

Restore Website

We had previously seen that you can restore files or databases separately, however, a practical and widely used option is restore an entire websitethat is, with this option you can restore both the files and the database of your website on a certain date.

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When we select this Restore Web option, a screen will appear that asks us to enter the date:

After selecting next, the system will search for the websites that I have installed on my hosting account.

After finishing, it will show a list with the websites foundyou will see that you have a icon of more in each record that you can display.

When you display more options you will see the site restore button:

Using the site restore button will bring up a confirmation screen, which also detects the directory and database associated with the website.

After clicking on continue, another confirmation screen will appear to which we click yes:

will start the website restoration processit will restore files and database, as shown in the following image:

At the end of the process, a screen will appear with separate confirmation messagesboth for database and file restore.

Likewise, the system will add two additional records to the Restoration History and you will receive the same emails that the restoration of files and database has completed successfully.


As you have been able to verify with the application of super backup from your cpanel of you can carry out different types of simple restorations.

The following video details the above points:

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