Compare products in WooCommerce – .com

WooCommerce extension that allows the user to place multiple store products next to each other to easily compare their features.

The plugin has a comparison manager in which you can indicate each item on the list to be compared, and the value in each product that makes it very easy to modify this data, even for several products at the same time on a single page.

Note: If you want a plugin that does this automatically and without any complexity in terms of configuration, I recommend this other plugin called which is much simpler.

Obviously, you can choose which products are comparable to each other, because sometimes it does not make much sense to compare apples and pears. In addition, the plugin incorporates a widget so that the user can place several products to compare, and when they have everything, they just have to press the button and that’s it! Here is your comparison.

The plugin goes with direct technical support from me and updates for life. For any doubt, question or suggestion, you can use the contact form and I will assist you personally. 🙂

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