Advanced WordPress course – .com

Advanced WordPress course in which we are going to go one step further, to make the most of everything we can do with WordPress.

It is not for nothing that WordPress is the most used CMS in the world. It is very easy to use, and its great versatility allows you to do everything that comes to mind.

If you want to do this course, I recommend that you first do the one to get a good user level, and then the one to have an initiate level. Both courses are included in the .

Throughout 10 classes we are going to see how modify wordpress to adapt it to our needs or those of our clients or projects, in the event that we are interested in having an advanced implementer level, or even a basic one.

Remember that if you will have access to everybody the courses and you can also enjoy everything from .

All chapters in this course:

See also  Blogging course - .com
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