Cybersecurity course – .com

Cybersecurity course to safely navigate the Internet, without being hacked, deceived, stolen passwords or sensitive personal or corporate information.

We use the Internet more and more for everything: Answer emails, work, save our photos, access our bank, modify our website, see the children’s school photos, book our vacations or even to set up our online business.

It is true that this allows us to be much faster, more efficient and more versatile to work from anywhere. But we must also take into account an important issue, which is going to give more and more to talk about: Security.

When you connect to the Internet, you are sending and receiving your data over the network. This means that if you do not do it securely, other people could access your information, accounts and online services.

Throughout 10 lessons, Luis Peris, a programmer and cybersecurity expert, will tell us how to shield ourselves from any attempt to hack our data: From how to connect from a cybercafé, to the theft of cookies, through secure passwords, SSL, cloud security, two-step verification, data theft, and much more.

In short, a course that I personally already consider basic culture in the time in which we live. As important as knowing the basic rules of road safety, civility, or first aid.

Remember that if you will have access to everybody the courses and you can also enjoy everything from .

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