Custom Fields Course #1: Introduction to Advanced Custom Fields – .com

Welcome to the first class of the Advanced Custom Fields course, the plugin that allows us to create custom fields in WordPress.

In today’s class we will see what Custom Fields are, how the ones that come by default in WordPress work, and what Advanced Custom Fields offers us.

As you will see, the potential of this course is spectacular, since we could get to set up our own eCommerces, catalogues, reservation systems, etc.

1 – Introduction to Advanced Custom Fields

By default WordPress has a little functionality to add custom fields to any post or page we create. But as we will see below, it is quite limited.

In the video that you will see below, we are going to suppose that we create a website for a travel agency. Like any customer, you have your own needs when it comes to content-related information. For example, in this case fields like “Departure date”, “Arrival date”, “Trip duration”, “Price”… How can we place all this information in an orderly manner? How can we then display that information? How can we use it? Gentlemen… Let’s start!

Do you realize the potential of custom fields? This is crucial! Thanks to this system, we have three key advantages that we can and should take advantage of:

  1. The client does not have to enter all the fields like crazy, in the content editor, always with different formats and different locations.
  2. All the fields are parameterized, so that later we can place them where we want (and always in exactly the same place and with the same format).
  3. All fields are available to be filtered and used. For example, to show only trips with a certain departure date.
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If we didn’t use custom fields, we would never be able to display that information on the same site, and obviously we would never be able to filter that information, since all that data would be embedded within the main content. And that makes it impossible to detect and work with them.

So, gentlemen, you already have homework. Install the plugin and try it, because in the next class, because as Sherlock Holmes says… The game begins!

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