Create test WordPress – .com

Sometimes we need to create a quick WordPress installation for testing. Let’s see how to do it with Poopy Life, creating disposable WordPress.

Create test WordPress without hosting or domain

This useful application allows us to create as many WordPress installations as we want in a single click, without giving any type of data, not even a name or email.

These facilities are designed for testing, experiment, try plugins and themes, and usually throw them away. Although we can keep them as long as we want.

We are going to see how to do it step by step, and what 3 details we should take into account if we are going to use it, to avoid problems and optimize its use. Let us begin!

As you can see, it’s so easy it’s scary. The first time I used it I was quite surprised to land inside the control panel “almost by accident”.

First step: Create the website

First things first: We are going to create a WordPress installation in a moment. To do this we must go to and click on the link to create a new site:

With this step we will have created a fully functional WordPress installation. Next we must access it by clicking on the link that takes us to the control panel:

And that’s it! With this we already have our brand new 100% functional WordPress, created on a random subdomain of However, there are three details that we must take into account.

Second step: Configure the web

The page where we land in the control panel is the configuration of the test website itself, under the “SandBox” menu. Here we see three important points:

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1. Change the administrator email

As you have seen, at no time during the creation process of the website has a username, password or email been requested.

This means that by default the administrator has the username “demo” and the email “”. I recommend modifying it, or creating a new administrator with your email, because if you don’t do it like this, and you forget the password, you will never be able to recover it.

It is true that they are disposable websites, but in some cases you may be interested in having a test website for a longer time, and it is worth having the option to recover your password.

2. Extend the expiration of the web

By default, Poopy Life websites last 7 days, more than enough to do tests. But in some cases we will want to keep one over time.

In that case we just have to click the blue button “Add 1 week“and we will increase your life expectancy by 7 more days. What do we want? 14 days? Well, we click again. And so on until we want.

Each click will be 7 more and more days to test. In this way, we can have a test website indefinitely.

Attention, because now they have removed this option, and you can no longer have it indefinitely, so we recommend once again to use it 🙂

3. Clone the test website

Despite the fact that this website is 100% operational, and that by sharing its URL anyone could see it, sometimes we may be interested in creating a clone (a copy) of it to share or to continue testing without compromising the original.

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Doing such a thing is as simple as clicking the “Create Sandbox Template” button. That will generate a magical link that we can share or use ourselves to create a website based on the one we are at at that moment.

That means that Every time someone clicks on that link, a new website will be created identical to the one we have.

Be careful, it is important to understand that this link it is not that of a copybut a copy generator, which will create a new website every time someone click it.

This is especially useful in the case that we already have a theme that we always work with, as well as a combination of base plugins that we always install, since it saves us having to do it one by one each time. And that, in the long term, is many hours.

If at any time we want to modify the “web base”, we simply do it and save the new template with the “Save Sandbox Template” button. And magically, that same link (without the need to change it or generate a new one) will create WordPress installations with the new version.

Summary and conclusion

Poopy Life allows us to create disposable WordPress installations for testing, in a single click. Although by default they only last 7 days, we can extend that time as much as we need from the plugin configuration.

And if we want to be more efficient, we can create a “base template web” with our favorite themes and plugins already configured, to create new installations in a single click, already prepared and personalized.

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So far today’s tutorial. You already know that if you want to learn more about WordPress, I recommend the courses, in which you have at your disposal 🙂

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