Scrum course #9. The finished user story concept – .com

In this lesson we introduce the concept of a Finished User Story, which is what the Product Owner expects to receive.

We are not referring only to those that were specified to be validated to verify their operation, but that they can influence:

  • Development Aspects: perhaps we have a Development Methodology with milestones that we must meet.
  • Organizational aspects: such as ISO quality certifications, internal security documents
  • Other Documentation requirements for example

We have aspects that must be taken into account when determining when a User Story is Finished and how we can capture this in the Product BackLog.

Finally, we go to Trello to specify the states to be reflected in the columns depending on the granularity of the cards and how we establish to solve the Finish a Story milestone.

In the next (and last) lesson we are already at the last lesson where we will see Resources available on Scrum, Certifications, how to face the realization with Scrum of a non-Agil project.

We will also see a final summary of the course, with the elements and milestones that are involved in the process and where you can find them in the different lessons.

As always, if you have any doubt or question, you can send it through the intranet support form. Final stretch!

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