181 – Cuore Care with Elisabet Zazurca

Elisabet specialized in marketing and worked in various multinationals after finishing her studies in Business Administration and Management.

Elisabet specialized in marketing and worked in various multinationals after finishing her studies in Business Administration and Management.

Although she was an expert in traditional marketing, she realized that she needed to learn online marketing. To launch herself, she relied on the impulse of her entrepreneurial gene and her financial stability.

In addition to receiving a lot of support in his environment, he knew that if something went wrong he could go back. Cuore Care is based on the home care model: care for dependent people (elderly, children or people with disabilities) in their own home.

They do not offer simple accompaniment, but rather qualified professionals who develop a specific care plan for each person according to their needs. Caregivers and specialists are in contact through the platform to develop the activities and the family can request a daily report.

Caregivers are selected by Cuore Care’s technical team through a three-step selection process. The platform puts all the means to choose the most qualified professional for each family and specific case.

They didn’t wait for everything to be perfect to go on the market: instead, they work every day to improve their services and work dynamics. To make themselves known, they combine offline and online marketing: word of mouth works very well for them, but they also work on SEO and AdWords.

They have only been running for a few months, since June 2017, but they are very satisfied with the response from users and the evolution of the company. They have currently entered an accelerator and hope to expand to all of Spain in 2018.

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The Coure Care team is made up of four CEOs and each one contributes to the company according to their strengths and knowledge.

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