Main search engines – .com

Google, Bing Y yahoo are the three main Internet search engines. Although today Google is the most important of them, it does not mean that the rest should be underestimated, because although the market share is much lower, they are still a very powerful tool to make themselves known.

The best known and used search engine in the world. Based on ease of use, it has set a standard. Google has revolutionized web search with the creation of the well known and feared PageRank. Without a doubt, it is the search engine that will give you the most satisfaction as a user when searching, and as a webmaster when appearing on it. Google also offers search for images, videos, and news.

bing is Microsoft search engine. It replaces its predecessor, MSN Search. It is a search engine that can compete side by side with Google, although it has a lot of work ahead of it to steal the market from Google. For now, it stands out for its extraordinary speed in delivering results.

For quite a few years, was the first seeker, practically without competition. Until recently, it was the second search engine by volume of use (17 percent of the market, behind only Google’s 74)although after reaching an agreement with Microsoft, it has become part of the Bing search mechanism.

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