Airbnb Vs Booking: which is the best alternative to rent your property – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

We can affirm that airbnb has come to the online accommodation market to stay, hitting the current market leader hard (and perhaps too fast):, that great Internet giant in terms of hosting offers search engines. However, the latter seems to be more than ready to stay in the lead for many more years. Today, we confront them to find out which is the best alternative from the point of view of the owner of a house or apartment: Airbnb Vs Booking. That is the question.

But… Which one has the best cards to win the game?

Until now, has always led the way when it comes to leaders in the digital accommodation market, with more than 1,550,000 nights booked in its accommodation every day. And, it is that, what in its day (back in 1996) began as a small Dutch, today has become one of the largest travel companies in the world.

airbnb, meanwhile, tells the story of two design students who, one day, realized that they could not pay the rent for their flat. It was, at that time, the year 2008, and these two Americans had a great idea: to create a website where they could rent the space that they did not occupy in their home (while getting a couple of inflatable mattresses). Thus, Airbnb was born. ‘air bed and breakfast’. Air bed and breakfast, literally. Today, this little invention of university students is expanding all over the world, growing like wildfire and offering -in addition to accommodation-, experiences and restaurants to book at the click of a button.

In this way, in the same way that Airbnb gradually introduces its little head in the hotel sector, has also gradually expanded its presence in the vacation rental sector in recent years.

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Airbnb Vs a comparison in 12 keys

It is undeniable that either of the two platforms are perfectly suitable for housing any home that wants to be converted into accommodation, but what differences are the most noticeable between them?

Let’s see…

1. Traffic

The first and most important thing a user should focus on when publishing their home on a hosting website is, effectively, the that reports the selected platform. In our case, booking.comdefinitely win this game. According to netric (an eCommerce data analytics platform), in July,’s aggregate web and app traffic stood at 55.5 million visits, compared to 15.5 million for Airbnb millions.

Namely, Booking wins.

2. Commission

In matters of commission, the thing is clear: while stays directly with the fifteen% of what the user pays, Airbnb gets the 3% of what the customer pays, but also adds a 10% “transparent” (and extra) on the price of the user, for added expenses.

point for airbnb

3. Activation time

Much faster on Airbnb than on Perhaps the fact that is a much more rigorous, complex and professional platform means that it requires a more extensive approval process. Airbnb is essentially a much simpler platform than in just half an hour you can be ready.

point for airbnb

4. Control of information

In this sense, we can say that Airbnb is a much more platform friendly than This allows you to manage your own content, write your own descriptions and even introduce yourself as a host. At, however, everything is in a structured format, answering questions that, little by little, design an automatic text based on your answers.

point for airbnb

5. Amount of information about the property

Without a doubt, the more exhaustive control of the property It will be generated by Even when you already have the ad active, it keeps asking you improvement questions so that it can add to your descriptions.

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point for booking


6. Tenant control

If you live worried and worried about who is going to visit and occupy your home, then, without a doubt, the best option for you will be to rent your home through Airbnb. On Airbnb, the host can talk to the tenant before deciding whether or not to accept his request for accommodation. However, is a much more hotel-oriented platform, so if the accommodation is available, it will be automatically rented without further consideration.

point for airbnb

7. Check-in process

Although it is true that, if you have also used Airbnb on occasion, you will have noticed a slight complication when coordinating the delivery and return of keys, arrival time, departure time, etc, etc. At, however, they are more used to hotel roll. They reserve and forget until the arrival date of entry.

point for booking

8. Risk of cancellation

Airbnb follows the methodology of charging its tenants at the time they make the reservation, so the cancellation rate is quite low: you only book when you have it clear. On, however, cancellation is free up to perhaps even 1 day before, this means that on many occasions reservations of «just in case«.

point for airbnb

9. Time of payment to the platform

Airbnb pays the owners the amount of the reservations as the tenants go through the accommodation. The methodology, on the other hand, follows the line of accumulating all the amounts and making monthly payments for the total.

point for airbnb

10. Promotion and offer options is constantly inviting you to make promotions of the month, of the week, for the Chinese public… it is a much more complete platform in this regard. Airbnb, however, falls slightly behind on this point.

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point for booking

11. Usability for the owner

In this play, Booking wins by a landslide. The platform has a website ( and an app (Press) specific to be used by the owners, so that they can easily separate their experience as a user from their work as an owner.

point for booking

12. SEO within the platform

Booking is much more developed in this regard, in addition to having options to appear higher in search engines. In this sense, their 12-year difference may have had something to do with web positioning. 😉

point for booking

Final result of Airbnb Vs Booking: tie

As you can see, although we have not looked for it, both are tied in this Airbnb Vs Booking. Does that mean they are just as good? Not necessarily. Choosing one or the other will depend on the importance you give to each of the criteria that we have proposed. Which prefer?

And this all for today!

Although… if you still want to delve deeper into this battle, don’t miss the video of . It will like you!

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