The 15 most frequently asked questions about Amazon Associates: the definitive explanation – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

It is common for large eCommerces, such as Amazon or , to offer their users various ways to earn money, even without the need to sell within your platform. One of these is the system affiliates, which offers a means of monetization for those without the infrastructure to be sellers within their websites. In this way, anyone can earn money through large retail platforms.

The questions you always wanted to answer about Amazon affiliates

In this sense, the system Amazon affiliates is one of the most popular, opening the doors to earn money with sales in the largest eCommerce in the West. Even so, there are many doubts that arise around this tool, about its use and its conditions, for example. Thinking about this, we have decided to deal here with the most frequent doubts that users have about this particular tool.

Is it necessary to have a website? Does it have to have only Amazon content?

Anyone can opt into the Amazon Associates program – all you need is a website/blog or drive since in these the links to the products will be incorporated, which will end up generating profits as they become sales.

Likewise, the website or social network to be used may have any type of content: the important thing will be how you promote the use of affiliate links to it.

Can you send links by WhatsApp and generate a conversion?

In this case the answer would be yes, but….

The user can enter the link sent by WhatsApp, Telegram and make the purchase, which would end up counting as a conversion for our affiliate program, but It goes against Amazon policies. Well, the marketplace platform forces the flow to come from a website or social network in order to track it correctly. If you do it repeatedly, you risk a penalty from eCommerce.

In which countries is Amazon Associates available?

Finding where the Amazon Affiliate system is available is very simple, you just have to enter its website. Once there, you can see the list of available countries by clicking on the country next to the language of the web, at the top of the screen. As you can see, the main European markets are in our environment. For example, in America the service is only available in Mexico, United States, Canada and .

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Similarly, the question about if it is possible to sell in stores in other countries with the same affiliate link. In this case, the affiliate link of a country will only count the sales in the store of that country, however, you can use a tool that allows you to centrally manage different affiliate programs in several countries.

How do the first three sales work?

As we said, anyone can choose to join the program, and once approved it is not necessary to do anything to enjoy the benefits. Nevertheless, In order to unlock the Amazon API, you need to make a minimum of 3 sales through affiliate links. This API allows you to automate various aspects of the links, such as the modification of the prices according to those present on the page.

How to declare Amazon income?

For legal reasons, at least in Spain, when invoicing it is necessary to register in the IAE (Tax on Economic Activities). Now, the convenience or not of registering as a self-employed worker will depend on the strength of the income received from the affiliate links, that is, if it is a constant and considerable income.

Can I publish the products without the prices?

Yes, and in fact it is advisable to use the links on products without clarifying the prices within the text or the medium you use to publish the links. Many people tend to do it this way until you have the API of the programsince it automatically modifies the prices. This avoids generating any kind of confusion about prices if they are not up to date, which can be penalized by Amazon.

How can you register in other countries where you do not reside?

When registering for the Amazon affiliate program, the company asks for a series of data such as address, zip code or telephone number. In these cases there are programs that can help generate this data, or have a contact in the destination country. Even so, in some countries like Mexico it is extremely difficult, because you will need a tax ID.

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How to configure the short links?

There are two ways for this, first from the Amazon Affiliate management platform, and another from the Amazon website itself, if you enter it while logged in and use the link on its top bar, as you can see in this image.

Can I use the same code on different websites?

Indeed, affiliate links are unique to the user who generates them, but not to the website where they are published. Therefore a user can post their affiliate link on all the websites you want without any problem.

Can Amazon Affiliate be implemented in conjunction with other means of monetization?

Amazon Affiliate Monetization will not cause any conflict with other types of monetization, such as AdSense banner advertising, as these are unrelated. However, it must be taken into account that with the incorporation of new banners, the interaction with the previous ones can be reduced.

Can I create product banners? Does Amazon Affiliate have a monthly fee?

Many people ask if it is possible to incorporate banners on the products that redirect to the marketplace. In this case, if possible. Even when generating the links, you can select one with an image for these cases.
On the other hand, it should be noted that for now the affiliate program does not have any monthly payment for its use, but is completely free.

How do I know which products are the best sellers?

To verify the best-selling products according to the conversion history of affiliate links, you can enter Amazon Associates > Special Offers and Programs > Ideas Center. Here you will find a series of recommendations according to the best-selling products according to the interests of the profile.

It is also possible to verify this information in the Amazon store, when entering the best sellers section, to have a broader view of the interests of consumers.

Can I be denied entry to the program?

It is possible, although not usual. Mainly one of the causes to cancel an account of the affiliate program is that does not generate interactions, and if it is something repetitive it can affect a later request on it.

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Why can my affiliate account be closed?

The rules of this program are quite restrictive and we must take them into account so that we do not see one day, suddenly, that our account has been cancelled, which will prevent us from continuing to work with this model of and will withhold income that we may have accumulated. In addition, once our account is banned, it is almost impossible to reactivate it since they do not usually indicate the reason for the closure.

One of the reasons why your Amazon Associates account can be canceled in the first 180 days is if at least 3 sales have not been made, although in this case it is possible to make a new record… but on other occasions it is much more complicated. You can see it in this video.

Remember that the Amazon Affiliate Policy makes it very clear that they can cancel your account when they consider it: “At any time, when we deem it appropriate, we will be entitled and may impose certain limits on the ability of Affiliates to obtain Standard Commissions from the Program. For clarification purposes (and notwithstanding the existence of any term), Amazon reserves the right to suspend or modify, in whole or in part, any of these limitations at any time. Please see the Limitations on Program Fees in the Addendum (“Limitations on Program Fees”).”


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