Laconicum online cosmetics: opinions, analysis and evaluation – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

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Laconicum: a careful online cosmetics store with free and fast shipping


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Laconicum It is the name that the baths had in ancient Rome. There, the hot water and vapors took the accumulated dirt out of your pores (I imagine, from what the history books say). A Roman whim. Today I have discovered that Laconicum is also a modern whim for “pioneers, beauty freek and curious”.

If you don’t know her, go right now and take a look at this extra-ordinary (I borrow the word) online cosmetics store. The brands they sell are very difficult to find in Spain, and some you will never find, only in Laconicum.

What differentiates Laconicum from the rest of online cosmetics stores

It is not just another online cosmetics store. No way. It is exceptional, and these are the reasons:

  • Laconicum is full of stories. Each product is presented in a impeccable record whose description makes you fall in love and is close to your life experiences to fit perfectly.
  • And it’s not just the story, but the quality. The brands they sell have a medium-high quality and are unique in their branding and mission. .
  • The web content They are masterfully written. They are sensitive, close, imaginative and with a provocative touch that makes you smile.
  • Design of this online cosmetics store is clean and minimalist. The protagonists are the products and what they can do for you.

The owners of Laconicum are two Spanish women, María Martínez and Anabel Vázquez, two women whose passion beats in every corner of eCommerce.

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An online cosmetics store with friendly communication

It is striking how they have creatively presented the company’s figures through a infographic very nice Where they assure that the “user takes an average of 3 minutes to place an order” or that they have “given away 4,800 kilograms of free samples and that is more or less the weight of an elephant”.

The product catalog of this online cosmetics store is not very large, but it does not need to be. You can ‘marry’ the platform and use only the lines that they sell, because it is quite complete. You have products for the face, hair, the rest of the body, makeup, perfumes, details for the home. You can buy some of them in comfortable packs or the unit product. They also sell lines of male cosmetics, cosmetics for pregnant women and babies. Niches as small as vegans or athletes will also find products to choose from in eCommerce.

At Laconicum, the exceptionality of its products justifies the price is somewhat expensive. I understand that they aim at an upper-middle class target audience. This cosmetics store sells treats, pampering the body and soul. They are dispensable products, but they drive lovers of good cosmetics crazy.

The proposal of this online cosmetics store does not waver when it comes to the logistics section. In fact, whether you buy a product for €9.90 (the cheapest) or €200 (the most expensive) you will receive the free shipping at your home or a nearby collection point. And all this with a delivery time of just one day, which can be even shorter if you are in Madrid. In that case it is possible that you receive your purchase on the same day, with an extra cost of €4.99.

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In summary: Laconicum is an online cosmetics store in which buy in confidence. Browsing through it you feel that you are in a friendly place, while Anabel and María tell you interesting stories about the brands or whisper secrets and singularities of their products, where touches of humor and mischief abound. They don’t bother you with pop-ups, nor do they make you dizzy with cross-selling. Shopping at Laconicum is a relaxed and pleasant experience.

I invite you to take a tour of Laconicum and tell us about your experiences here.

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