Users with more than 600 followers can now create Twitter Spaces: this is how their audio rooms are – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

Audio content is on the rise and has proven to be a widely accepted format with the public, as evidenced by the success of Club House, which caused many of the big companies to have chosen to develop their own functions to incorporate voice chats into their platforms, Twitter Spaces (or Espacios, in Spanish) was Jack Dorsey’s response to this situation, an integration of voice chat in the public conversation on Twitter.

For months, Twitter has been working on the development of this function in an open way, offering access to it to a limited group of users. From the beginning, the Spaces project has been built on interaction with users, even having its own Twitter account. Therefore, the social network has decided to expand the scope of this function in response to user requests.

Any user with more than 600 followers can create their Space

Starting this May 4th, the function of Spaces will be available to all social network profiles with 600 or more followers.

“Since we started developing it, the ability to create a space has been available to millions of people, and we’ve continued to make improvements based on your feedback. Today, we’re offering the ability to launch a slot to all accounts with 600 or more Twitter followers. Based on what we have learned so far, These accounts are likely to have a good experience hosting live conversations because of their following audience. Before offering the possibility of creating a space to everyone, we want to focus on learning more, making the spaces easier to discover and helping people who have a large audience to enjoy them”, explains Twitter in a statement.

How to use Twitter Spaces

Whoever creates a Space becomes the host. As a host, you can start a Space one of two ways: long-press the Tweeter in the home timeline, then tap the new Spaces icon (several circles that form a diamond) on the far left. You can also tap your profile picture in Fleets, scroll to the far right, and tap Spaces.

  • The Spaces are public, so anyone can join as a listener, this includes people who don’t follow you. Listeners can be invited to a Space by Direct Message with a link to the Space, by Tweeting with a link, or by sharing a link elsewhere.
  • Up to 11 people can talk in a Space (including the host) at any time. When the host starts a Space they can select who can speak; To do this, you need to choose an option from Everyone, People you follow, or Only people I invite to talk. You can send invitations through Direct Messages.
  • When you create a Space, your microphone will be off at startup. When you’re ready, tap Start your Audio Room. You must allow microphone access (ability to speak) to participants; To do this, turn on Allow microphone access.
  • When you participate as a listener, select whether or not you want to see the subtitles (if hosts/speakers have activated them); To do this, turn it on or off using the View Subtitles button in the Spaces settings.
  • You also have the option of add a description or give your Space a name. This can be changed at any time while your Space is active.
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Identifying that someone we know has created or is in a Spaces conversation is easy. We just have to pay attention to the top of the timeline, along with the stories, where there will be a violet bubble indicating that it is live.

  • The host of one of these conversations you have total control over it: who speaks, the topics and the atmosphere. In addition to inviting people to join, you can also block users, in order to have a safer and more appropriate conversation. People you have blocked will not be able to join your Space.
  • a speaker within a Space, in addition to speaking, you will be able to pin tweets, activate subtitles and Tweet the Space so your followers can join.
  • as a listener it’s possible react to what you hear with emojis, see pinned tweets, follow captions, share the Space in a Tweet or DM, or ask for the microphone. Listeners will see tags and notices if someone they’ve blocked is speaking in a Space they’ve joined.

“For us it is important that people feel safe organizing and participating in Space conversations, that’s why we’ve built in security checks for hosts and speakers. For example, as a host, you can mute speakers and remove their microphone, or remove them from the Space altogether. We recently added the ability for hosts to mute all speakers at the same time and enabled a new management page to make the host experience easier.”

To ensure this security, anyone can report and block others in the Space, or report the Space. Also,

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Exclusive spaces, reminders and more updates

As we mentioned, something that has characterized Spaces is the feedback it has with the community, something that has helped in its development. Therefore, in addition to expanding its availability, it has also brought new updates so that hosts and users have the best possible experience.

exclusive tickets

This is a monetization tool for hosts, with which they can be rewarded for their efforts in keeping the public conversation active with their spaces. As stated by the company, in the coming months will open this feature to a limited community. This function will allow hosts to set the cost and number of tickets available for their Spacesthus leading to more exclusive content.

For its part, Twitter has ensured that the creators will receive most of the income generated by this means, with a small commission that will go to the income of the social network.

Reminders for Spaces and co-hosts

Another of the updates that Twitter has announced is the possibility of generating reminders for the next Spaces to create. In this way the community will be able to be aware of when they start and thus not miss out on content that could interest them.

The possibility of delegate functions within the conversation to other people, taking them as co-hosts. Thus, these users will be able to help manage the speakers, and if they have to leave the Space, they could take care of it so that it does not have to end.

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Greater accessibility

Finally, a feature of Space is the presence of subtitles in live audio conversations. This aspect complies with the culture that seeks to give more space to people with disabilities in the Spaces. In this update, the accuracy of the subtitles has been improved to make them more assertive about what is being spoken. In addition to increasing their degree of customization, on size, font, among others, and offering the possibility of pausing them during the transmission.

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