The list of the best diets to lose weight this 2021 (one of them is the Mediterranean diet)

January, among other things, is the month of the diet to combat the excesses of Christmas. Thus, below, you have a list of the best diets to lose weight that has been prepared by the American magazine US News & World Report, a specialist in the preparation of rankings.

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The list of the best diets for this 2021

US News & World Report has made this list and classification taking into account the work of a panel of recognized experts in nutrition, obesity, food psychology, diabetes and heart disease. A group that analyzed the 39 proposed diets according to how easy they are to follow, their ability to produce weight loss in the medium and long term, their nutritional integrity, their safety, and their potential to prevent and control diabetes and heart disease.

The flexitarian diet, the best for losing weight

Flexitarian diet to lose weight

Once all the information from the experts was obtained, the American media prepared different lists according to the objectives of each food regulation. In the field of weight loss, the one known as the flexitarian diet was the one that achieved the best score. “The flexitarian diet, which emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and plant proteins, is a smart and healthy choice,” the study explains.

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Flexitarianism is a food pattern in which the vegetable predominates with a diet consumption of around 80% of plant foods compared to a consumption of 20% of products of animal origin, such as eggs, cheese and others. dairy and even meat, fish and their derivatives. “Flexitarianism is actually a very balanced option in which we can take advantage of all the proven benefits of our Mediterranean Diet, but applying the advice of including more vegetables. Nutritionally it is a magnificent option,” Laura Isabel Arranz, dietician-nutritionist, explained to Status. of Obrador Sorribas.

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The keto or ketogenic diet, effective for short-term weight loss

keto or ketogenic diet for weight loss

The keto or ketogenic diet is a dietary restriction that favors the burning of fat quickly because it restricts the consumption of carbohydrates. A goal that many pursue during this time of year to counteract the excesses of Christmas.

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This eating pattern was poorly rated by the experts consulted by the American media. They explain that it is a too restrictive diet and that it only seeks weight loss in the short term and not in a prolonged way over time.

The Mediterranean diet, the healthiest

Mediterranean diet

In addition to making a ranking of the best diets to lose weight in a healthy way, US News & World Report made another list of the best diets. One that won the Mediterranean diet for its high content of fruits, vegetables, olive oil or fish. In the list of diets to lose weight, our diet ranked number 15.

Mediterranean diet against Covid

Mediterranean diet against Covid-19

The benefits of the Mediterranean diet are already well known in our country. However, in recent times it has regained importance because doctors and epidemiologists have set their sights on the Mediterranean diet as a formula to keep the immune system strong, key to the fight against Covid-19.

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The correct functioning of the immune system is essential for the fight against any infection. For this reason, vitamin D and vitamin C have gained interest during the pandemic as an alternative to combat coronavirus. Thus, food supplements of these substances have increased their sale by the general population. However, continue, in charge of fighting the coronavirus.

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