Serious suspicion of ‘self-indult’

President Sánchez announced the most serious decision in this legislature:. Sánchez deliberately acts by going over the Supreme Court.

For this reason, it was foreseeable that in his speech he would take clear precautions to shield himself from the forceful objections that the High Court raised last month. Thus, the president repeatedly insists on the “public and political utility” of this measure of grace, since it is completely impossible to support it in the criteria of justice and equity that the Constitution also provides, given that its recipients do not show the slightest hint of regret. However, despite these precautions, pardons still have unquestionable legal weaknesses. The Magna Carta is exhaustive when it prohibits, in Article 102.3, self-pardons, grace measures whose last beneficiary is the President of the Government, or the members of the Council of Ministers who grant them. The Supreme Court insisted on this point in May and the Executive defended itself by arguing that neither Sánchez nor any member of his Cabinet obtain, personally, benefit. Now, it is already obvious that the pardon benefits members of two parties, ERC and Junts, who are key parliamentary partners for the continuity of the central government.

The magistrates are already investigating a pardon whose last beneficiary, according to all appearances, is the Executive of Sánchez

The suspicion that a self-pardon has been made effective is now more founded than ever and, therefore, the Supreme Court magistrates are already studying it. The investigation must be carried through to the end and

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