From now on you will be invited to a WhatsApp group by QR code

WhatsApp does not stop improving. Since it was , this application of instant messaging has brought us many new features and tools to facilitate communication and achieve more users (and more income). From now on you can participate in whatsapp group conversations through a invitation in or link.

This has been discovered in the new beta update for androidso for now not all of us will be able to enjoy this new feature, but we can warm up our engines and train ourselves in how its functioning.

How to generate a QR code or link to share a WhatsApp group

It will be as easy as Press a button. It takes to be administrator of a group in the app, as the button will only be available for whoever created the group conversation. The administrator will then only have to press the option “add participant” and in options you will find “Invite to the group with a link”.

Once this option is pressed, a menu is displayed with more picks:

  • send link via whatsapp
  • Copy link
  • Share link by email or some other service
  • Cancel the link (in case we have regretted it or to deactivate it later)

The link it is not exclusive for the use of a single contact, so it can be shared by anyone to join the WhatsApp group in question. So if the administrator considers that foreign contacts are joining, or that the number of users is already very bigcan unbind created and this will stop working.

But if you are a lover of QR codes and you consider that they are more easy to sharethey can also be created to access any WhatsApp group from the same mobile. The option is when you create the link and select “Print Group QR Code” which allows you to save it or print it physically for later scan it.

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The option seems designed for a large number of participants, not so suitable for normal conversations

The code option isn’t really that useful for regular userssince efforts to promote linksimages and diverse content by this means has not been so well received. So the speculations about what will be active for the companies and brands are still dormant.

And it is that even though not yet profiles of Business neither direct ads in the most widely used messaging application in the world, these types of invitations seem more directed towards a large number of people and that anyone who is interested can join.

So the Business that they already use like this application, they will be able to generate a single link so that as users leave adding to whatsapp group and managed to reach a much larger target audience.

A characteristic The most that has been improved in this update is a share button, improving the one that had been implemented a few months ago. With this button it will be shared much more simple what has been said in other conversations.

What do you think about the improvements that WhatsApp presents? Do you find them useful?

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