Idealo campaign: an online comparator triumphs with an offline campaign

Of course, you already know , one of the most important price comparators in Europe. Yes, that platform that won the award for the best cross-border in eCommerce in the and that has recently presented its in Spain. What if we tell you that this purely online comparator has achieved excellent results with a traditional campaign? So that’s it! We tell you in detail the success story of Idealo: how the campaign was carried out and the results obtained

Idealo’s offline campaign: signage at the station

The Madrid metro station has been chosen to carry out the Idealo billboard campaign. under the motto of Whistle, whistle, gurgle… find the best price, Idealo has managed to taste success through an offline campaign.

Of course, this is not the first time that Idealo has launched a traditional campaign. Germany witnessed several such initiatives with very positive results, so, with the learning’s obtained, the idea of ​​trying in Spain sounded more than interesting and more considering that, apparently, these types of campaigns reflect a greater impact on the brand and direct traffic than through traditional online channels.

But why the Madrid metro station? Adrián Amorín, Country Manager of Idealo explains that «We have specifically selected this support because it seemed to us that a subway station can be the perfect place to capture the user’s attention. Apart from that, the Madrid metro is not usually a space full of advertising, like, for example, many other European cities. While in Berlin we can find 30 billboards per platform, in Madrid the number is much smaller. This seemed like an opportunity to us!”

That’s right: the choice of certain metro stations is not by chance. And it is that in Idealo they saw this type of places as an opportunity to reach a target of great interest with a more persistent message and in order for the concept of comparing prices to become a habit and, at the same time, to achieve a stronger appreciation of the brand.

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The result of the campaign? About 15,000 downloads

The success of the campaign is indisputable. At the conversion level, the app has achieved about 15,000 downloads, reflecting the greatest success on Android with approximately 80% of the total. And at the level of visibility? At the end of the campaign, 1,000 people who used the Madrid Metro at least 3 times a week were surveyed. 13% of respondents saw the fence.

But is it about value conversions? Regarding the use of the app, Adrián Amorín declares that “Right now we are observing that the users captured during the Madrid campaign are using our app more frequently than users captured through other channels».

Regarding the interest, he declares that “download cost was about 90-100% higher than digital channels. It is an important fact, but we have to bear in mind that, in general, users who downloaded the app had a high interest And that’s what we’re looking at right now.”

How the future of Idealo is planned

Adrián Amorín declares that they expect an impact on the brand. Thus, this year the plan is to continue testing different channels in order to continue penetrating the market and thus be able to increase its brand recognition in Spainsomething that is currently over 40%.

Regarding spontaneous brand recognition, Idealo’s Country Manager Spain states that there are many who are still not clear about the concept of comparator of prices for certain products, such as flights and hotels, something that is reflected in the surveys carried out every 6 months, where answers such as “Amazon” are found when asking about the comparator used by users.

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Have you also witnessed the Idealo campaign in the Madrid metro station? Tell us your experience!

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