What is a CDP and why you need one for your eCommerce – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

Currently, companies have at their fingertips the largest amount of data in history about their consumers. However, the amount is such that on many occasions they are incomprehensible and, therefore, we end up wasting much of this data, and not knowing how to draw conclusions from it.

In this article with a “romantic introduction” and a “crazy ending”, you will discover what a CDP is, how you need it without knowing it and why this technology is on everyone’s lips.

1. Romantic introduction

In It’s been almost 3 years since we started offering a CDP solution to our clients. At that time his initial reaction was more like that of a bunny when he gets dragged out…

But when we began to explain the possibilities that this solution can bring to a business, online or offline, it was caught on the fly and it was understood that it is a technology with a lot of potential for business and that, until now, it had been largely wasted. Well, let’s cut to the chase, this solution consists of the creation of a solid and enriched own customer database, on which to work for increase turnover, recurrence and profitability. Damn, Johnny, it’s a dream come true!

Today history has changed a lot and the term is heard more and more in different professional forums, this has only reinforced us and made us understand that the hype was there. In fact, the evolution of this search term on Google has increased considerably in recent months. (Come on, I’ll leave you a moment to pause so you can check it out, I know it’s not worth me saying it, I’ll take advantage of the time and make myself a little coffee to be able to continue writing).

2. Ok but… What is a CDP

A CDP is a Customer Data Platform (that would be the sexy name in English) or Customer Data Platform (not so sexy, but clearer, right?).

As its name suggests, it is a platform that obtains customer behavior data. It does so in all sales channels and in the different ones of a brand, to then activate them and get the most out of them.

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3. How we act in Intelia CDP the data of our clients

The first thing is to turn unknown clients into known ones, this is achieved with a lot of love above all, but you also need:


To build loyalty, we offer your eCommerce customers the opportunity to earn points for each euro spent and, in this way, they can qualify for gifts. In return, the brand will keep the customer’s data. The platform includes loyalty by levels – gold, silver and bronze, for example – to maintain the recurrence of customers, since if they do not buy again in a certain time, they will lower their level.


On the other hand, we offer points to customers in exchange for performing various actions in your eCommerce or in your physical stores. From leaving a review on a product, to providing extra data in a form, or interacting with a chatbot.

With this system, we have a omnichannel database own, in the form of zero and first party date, and enriched with extra information that customers have given us in exchange for points. Once we have designed our own data warehouse to which, by the way, we can integrate a CRM, ERP, POS, APP and other industry acronyms, we can now start to carry out panels and actions with said data.

Omnichannel audiences

With Intelia CDP we use omnichannel audiences for , CRO Y increase of . CDP allows you to micro-segment and filter by audiences to launch campaigns data-drivennewsletters to specific groups or audiences lookalike on Facebook.

For example, you could get an audience of people up to 50 years old who have bought products from the “Pants” family and have seen the “belts” family but have not bought them. Or send a special campaign to all those who have bought red products during the last year in your physical stores, have spent more than €500 on your brand or have more than 100 loyalty points. These audiences are integrated with marketing automation tools, with Facebook, Google and various DSPs.


As we know that an image is worth a thousand words, we have designed a dynamic dashboard so that you have at hand and in a single glance all the data of your brand – or of your clients if you are an agency – that your body asks for in the morning while you wake up with the first coffee of the day. Best-selling products, most recommended, CLTV, recurrence, average ticket, loyal customers, etc. All with easily downloadable reports in different formats.

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Last but not least, it is time to raise the average ticket and the profitability of the business while working on the CRO and UX. This is my favorite part.

Omnichannel recommendations

Omnichannel recommendations are guided by machine learning and based on price, stock, profit margin, expiration date, attributes, characteristics and of course product or family. We can customize them or fully focus on when we don’t know the customer, or they don’t have previous purchase history with us. So that the business knows that it is always recommending the most successful. This part is vital since according to recent studies «the volume of unknown visitors of an eCommerce can reach 97% and in a physical store even more«. Without a doubt, this reality is going to increase with the whole cookieless issue and it is vital to have tools that allow us to take advantage of unknown visitors and customers. In addition, we include our own system of “usually bought together”.

4. Why right now

As I have been anticipating in the article, the CDP market is undoubtedly in a sweet moment. In fact, growth until 2025 will be meteoric, according to the CDP Institute.

One of the reasons for the rise of CDP systems is the news that . This near future (and almost present now) of a cookieless world has accelerated a need that was already in the minds of ecommerce managers, CMOs, CEOs and retailers, to have a complete and solid omnichannel customer database on which to be able to carry out actions such as recommendations, or specific campaigns, among others.

In recent years, we have experienced at Intelia CDP how the value of controlling in some way the traceability of the end customer has grown exponentially by large, medium and small companies (both B2C and B2B). And that makes us “dance like nobody is watching”!

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To make matters worse, we are experiencing, in the eCommerce sector, a true hell in terms of analytics, attribution and traceability of conversions. This makes it essential to have CDP-type technologies. In our case, we are integrating other analytics partners to track conversions coming from Facebook, Google and other sources as accurately as possible. Soon we will launch a new functionality that will revolutionize this aspect a lot.

5. What type of projects is a CDP aimed at?

I’m glad you asked me this question! The type of client that needs a CDP is varied:

  • eCommerce pure players or, whatever size they are.
  • Retailers with eCommerce, physical stores and/or brand app.
  • B2B distributors who want to have both professional and final customer data and activate them.
  • Hospitality franchises with a high technological component.

6. Final apotheosis

Well, maybe I generated unnecessary hype with this section title, but it was because I didn’t know where to include the following GIF and I thought this would be a good time:

Finally, tell you that if you liked what you have read, if it has resonated in some way in the depths of your being, if it has made your soul vibrate at a wavelength close to that of Nirvana or if you simply fancy a consultancy free where we meet, talk about your project and, who knows, be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. You can contact us and leave Let the technological magic flow.

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