What is the CSAT: 5 tips to measure the customer satisfaction index

Whether you sell online or not, if you have clients you will have heard of the CSAT. Nope? Perhaps the concept of customer satisfaction sounds a little more familiar to you…

What is the CSAT: Learning to listen to customers

The CSAT (for its acronym in English) refers to what is known as index of: a tool that can be very useful, firstly, to get to know our customers better and, secondly, to improve our services or products based on their opinions.

It is so important to take into account the negative evaluations to correct possible errors that we are committing and about which our consumers are complaining, as well as valuing the positive comments because we can consider how to improve that service or product with which the client is satisfied.

Therefore, the CSAT It is a very powerful tool to improve the relationship with your customers and which, if used properly, will help you increase your sales. We have to take into account that this also helps to loyalty to our current clients who feel valued by the company itself that cares about knowing and knowing their opinions on the matter.

How to measure the CSAT: the perfect satisfaction survey

The CSAT The satisfaction index of our customers can be represented in several ways. For example, between 1 and 10, the lowest value indicating a very low satisfaction with our services or products and therefore, number 10, the highest satisfaction value. But it can also be represented as a percentage based on the total number of satisfied customers.

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Normally, surveys to measure the degree of satisfaction of our customers They are focused on asking the customer’s opinion in relation to a previous experience with our brand or, being more specific, for the specific purchase of a product. The answers to these questions will be key to detecting any failure or oversight at a more operational level.

To carry out a good survey we must take into account the following tips:

1- Prepare the survey at the right time

Don’t take too long to ask your customers. A guideline to follow could be to carry out the survey in the week following the purchase of the product/service.

two- Craft the right questions

We need to keep in mind that a high number of questions can make the customer uncomfortable and even drive away. We need answers that are clear, short and directly based on the user’s experience with our brand.

3- Choose the scale well

We have said that it can be represented differently. We may base our customer satisfaction survey on numerical or percentage values

4- Choosing the right medium

Telephone, cards, tablets in the physical store itself, e-mail, Google surveys, …. There are more and more means through which to launch our survey and find out the degree of customer satisfaction. You just have to ask yourself what would be the best way given the characteristics of your customers?

5- Listen to your customers and act

Whether this process is really useful or not depends on your action at the end of it. If you really want me to serve, read carefully the opinions of your usersand if more than one agree on a negative point, that negative point really exists, so you should either take measures to solve it, or get in touch with said clients to inform them that you will work on continuous improvement.

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Don’t wait any longer to do it

Without a doubt, this tool can be very useful to improve your company’s reputation and sales. And it is that we must always bear in mind that a well-satisfied customer can become the best ambassador of our brand. Therefore, if you still don’t know what your customers think about your company or brand… It’s time to listen to them!

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