Part-time jobs: examples of job opportunities to choose from

Part-time jobs are those that occupy only part of the day and are usually activities that do not involve exclusive dedication.

Students, people who have scholarships, mothers and fathers who have to take care of their children or families, during part of the day, are usually interested in a job that allows them to continue with their daily activities and at the same time.

Finding this type of work does not have to be a difficult experience. In this post we are going to give you some tips and a complete list that you can consult.

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What are part time jobs?

Part-time jobs are paid activity options that are concentrated in one part of the day and allow people to carry out other activities.

Compared to full-time jobs, they have shorter shifts and are concentrated in the morning, afternoon or evening.

The pay may not be as high as full-time jobs, but when you factor in fewer hours, we understand the difference.

They are also an opportunity for those who want to learn, they are even a great opportunity to enrich the curriculum.

Another feature that goes beyond money is the opportunity to meet more people and do business. At first it seems less interesting, but it is those people who will give you knowledge and help you with opportunities in the future.

Entrepreneurs who started with part-time jobs

First things first, there are certain types of jobs that carry social labels and prejudices that often make us see them as negative or undignified.

But like all prejudice, it is based more on ignorance than on reality.

Here I give you some examples of entrepreneurs who or in part-time jobs:

1.Jeff Bezos

He is the founder of Amazon, but before being a successful entrepreneur, he worked in the construction industry with his father, assembling pipes and even vaccinating cattle. In the holidays he worked at McDonald’s in order to survive.

2. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah, as is well known, had a difficult childhood. And like many entrepreneurs, she began earning a living at a part-time job at a radio station in Tennessee while she was in college.

Little by little the world recognized her passion for communication and now she is one of the most influential women in the world.

3. Howard Schultz

Howard is the current president of Starbucks, the large coffee chain. He was born into a family without resources and depended for a long time on the State.

He won a scholarship to go to university, but before finishing his studies the scholarship was withdrawn and he had to look for a part-time job as a waiter and now he is the director of those restaurants where he worked.

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Part-time jobs are opportunities when you know what you like, persist and take advantage of opportunities

Attitudes you must have in a part-time job

We are going to summarize three questions of attitude when thinking about part-time jobs.

They are by no means a recipe to be followed to the letter, but surely if you take them into account your part-time job will be a complete experience with which you learn and earn a living.

1. Eager to learn

Whatever the job, learn the rules and regulations of the business, how it works so that you are more aware of the processes and ways to improve them.

Learn how to make the most of your time while you are a seller and there are no buyers in the store, for example.

That is also accompanied by the ability to teach. Whenever you can teach someone what you have learned, the processes and experiences that can improve the work experience of others, do not stop sharing it.

It seems counterintuitive in a world of so much competition, but this will help you grow as a professional.

2. Layout

The disposition depends on how aware you are about what you are passionate about. Imagine working in customer service, when you feel that you are a more timid person.

Or work as an editor or designer in a newspaper or advertising company, when the true passion is being close to people, talking and sharing.

Disposition, then, is the ability to find a part-time job and stay in it to the fullest. Even when some circumstances may not be so positive.

3. Humility

This third point has to do with prejudice. Many times we think that people who work in customer service, as salespeople, in cleaning services or in mechanical workshops have less decent jobs.

This is a prejudice because the idea of ​​dignity comes more from the culture and the type of education than something that goes hand in hand with jobs.

Part-time jobs are still jobs and are always an opportunity to keep commitments to other activities, such as . That attitude supposes a good amount of humility.

Part-time jobs: examples you can experience

Here is a list of options you can search for. Simply enter Google and enter the name of the position and the word “part time” in the search engine and the options will appear.

If you want, you can also print your documents and take them in person to the central hiring offices.

1. Customer service

This work involves helping people, customers and users in the process of buying a good or service. The most common places are cinemas, clothing stores, footwear stores, pharmacies, etc.

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2. Auxiliary services

Service assistants are normally those people who are in charge of the maintenance or cleaning of different places such as stores, companies, offices, shopping centers, etc.

3. Waiters

In many places of food such as restaurants, or lodging, such as hotels, people are needed who can help with the service.

And since those establishments are usually open 24 hours or only during the day or night, they usually hire people in shifts.

4. Medical visitor

Some companies need people who can work some shifts, especially those that coincide with the consultation hours of some doctors for the promotion of medicines and health solutions.

It is an excellent part-time job opportunity, because in addition to earning money with this, you will do a training and learn a lot in the field of health.

5. Telemarketing or call center agent

Telemarketing agents are responsible for calling people to offer services or take calls to solve problems.

Banks, cable television services and stores require professionals who are good at communication and conflict resolution.

6. Stockholders

Stockers work in stores and, mostly, in supermarkets. They are in charge of the logistics part, placing the food or items on the shelves and supervising that they are kept in good order and available to consumers.

7. Office Assistant or Office Assistant

Office assistants perform part-time work by helping with daily operations such as making copies, organizing files, monitoring purchasing processes, among other activities.

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8. Cashiers

Cashiers is one of the most common part-time jobs, because few establishments ask for previous experience.

You have to know how to treat people and handle money, cards and checks.

9. Technical support

This type of work is increasingly in demand, because the penetration of electronic devices among people is increasing.

Many people are constantly looking for repairs on computers, phones, and tablets, among other things.

10. Mechanical assistant

This part-time job has been the learning path for many mechanics. At first they learn the trade and little by little they specialize.

Normally they work in workshops, but it is also possible to find these services within the neighbourhoods, in the houses of some people.

11. Refrigeration Technician

Refrigeration assistants are responsible for installing and maintaining all types of refrigerators, both home and commercial.

The good thing is that there is always a lot of demand, because refrigerators are common appliances in many spaces.

12. Elevator Technician

Especially in big cities, there is always a high demand for repairs, maintenance and emergency response from people who get stuck in elevators in residential, commercial and corporate buildings.

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13. Deliveryman

Delivery people carry products, purchases and belongings from one place to another making it possible for people not to have to move from one place to another.

Today they are becoming more common, due to the boom in food delivery applications and other products.

14. Digital Producer

The Infoproducer is a person who has knowledge or experience on a subject and decides to share it through a digital product, such as an online course or ebook.

This is an occupation that fits within part-time jobs, but we warn you that if you really jump into the water, it can be your main source of money.

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15. Seller

Companies with physical products need people to bring their products to consumers and show people how it is possible to solve their problems with them.

It can be a part-time job in those companies that do not require exclusive dedication and have a large number of salespeople.

16. Social worker

In many contexts it is a full-time job, but there are institutions and NGOs that need people with social sensitivity to support and monitor social projects in education, health, sports with vulnerable people.

If you have that sensitivity with people, it may be an option for you.

17. Caretaker of people

In countries where the number of elderly people is growing or where families have difficulties taking care of the elderly, people who can keep company and take care of the grandparents of the house are often necessary.

It is a part-time job, because many times elderly people are left alone only during the day or only at night, depending on the family dynamics.

18. Transport assistant

These people are in charge of collecting the fares on the buses or at the feeding or transfer stations.

They can also provide help and guidance in places where people may get lost or need assistance.

19. Preschool Assistant

Preschool aides work in the care and education of children. They are excellent part-time jobs because institutions usually need to provide support in a classroom with young children, where a teacher alone cannot handle all the dynamics.

In addition to that, children’s schools and institutes function with activities such as sports, games, dances, etc. Therefore, there will always be an opportunity in this area.

20. Recreator

The reenactors…

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