Mental triggers: learn to use them in your marketing strategy

Have you noticed that most of the daily activities are done automatically? For example, feed. Sure you don’t think before you chew, you just do it. It is that the human brain is so perfect that some actions are automated, otherwise we would be mentally exhausted.

The same thing happens with the purchase decision: there are scues memorized in our subconscious that make us choose one product over another. And those signals are called mental triggers.

To persuade and understand your potential customers, you need to know what they are and how to use them in your .

Keep reading this post that we will tell you everything.

What are mental triggers or mental triggers?

To understand what mental triggers are, also known as mental triggers or emotional triggers, it is necessary to understand how our brain makes choices on a daily basis.

Do you think we make all our decisions consciously? Well, the truth is that, before a decision reaches consciousness, our unconscious already knows what we will choose.

When our brain receives information, it quickly filters it and processes the stimuli that provoke an emotional reaction.

The reactions can generate different feelings, such as joy, anxiety, enthusiasm, discouragement, motivation and many others that can be positive or negative, depending on the stimulus received.

The mind makes many decisions without reaching consciousness. It is a way of preserving our energy by choosing according to our experiences and preferences.

If, for example, you make an annotation while reading this post or cross your arms at some point, you will realize that you are already making some decisions automatically. And so it is every day, at all times!

These stimuli interpreted by our unconscious are mental triggers and, beyond the fact that they are a widely used strategy in Digital Marketing, they are part of the field of study of psychology and science.

Therefore, using them can help you understand how your audience’s mind works and win over new customers, working with persuasion techniques.

It is worth clarifying that persuasion is not the same as manipulation, since the latter is based on lies to achieve some objective.

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How do mental triggers work in digital marketing?

In the world of mental triggers are a means of leading the audience to make a choice, which is usually related to a sale.

Neuromarketing brought mental triggers to the reality of professionals to sell on and off the Internet. Based on science, the idea was installed that persuasion could be provoked with some specific mechanisms.

Although people seek to rationally justify their purchase decisions, mental triggers are the first to alert that an offer is worthwhile.

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Let’s say you open a food app and decide to see the available options. Even if you find two establishments with the same dishes, you will probably end up choosing the one that has been better rated by other customers, right?

Or if you want to buy a new product in a few days, but you receive an email informing you that there is an exclusive promotion for 24 hours, you will want to buy it sooner than you think, right?

Mental triggers in marketing work with persuasion and make a product or service attractive enough for the customer to make a purchase or establish some kind of relationship with it.

The person may subscribe to a newsletter, sign up for a course waiting list, buy a limited product or wait all morning for the launch of a series. Each of these actions has been motivated by the mechanism of persuasion, however imperceptible.

However, you should use mental triggers sparingly and at appropriate times. If you use them excessively, you can convey an exaggerated and appealing feeling.

And a very important point: be responsible and never lie to your audience. Do not use a stimulus if it does not represent a truth, because you will lose sales and above all, credibility and authority before your audience.

What are the main mental triggers?

Now we are going to introduce you to some mental triggers that will increase your sales by transforming visitors into and then in clients, barely with content!

1. Reason

Although most of our decisions are based on emotions, we always look for reasons to justify what we are doing and we want to know what benefits it will bring us.

Therefore, when you are promoting a product, clearly explain to the user the reason why you should buy it and the transformation that you will get when you make the purchase.

It is as if you are leading that person from point A (unwanted situation) to point Z (problem solution).

Example: Tired of losing important information throughout the day? Improve your ability to concentrate with our online meditation course.

Here we present a problem (losing information throughout the day), the solution (the online meditation course) and the benefit (improving concentration).

2. Authority

People tend to value more the opinion of someone whom they consider “superior”, either because of a matter of hierarchy or because they recognize that this person knows more about the matter.

If you want to attract more customers, you need to position yourself as a in you .

To achieve this, at first you will have to put aside sales strategies and concentrate on actions that can generate value for your audience.

keep a updated with quality content, feed your profiles in the and offers free materials. That way you not only show that you know about the subject, but also you build a relationship of trust with your customers potentials It goes beyond making a sale.

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With that relationship, you’ll have more time to educate your audience about the product and, when appropriate, propose a purchase.

In other words, building authority is a strategy that demands time and attention, but if done correctly, it can bring significant long-term benefits to your business.

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Another way to use the mental trigger of authority is to call in specialists to endorse your product. In this case, be sure to select the or celebrities who are known to the audience you want to reach.

Learn about the method that Rafael Nadal uses to concentrate on his matches.

Learn Italian cooking techniques with the greatest Italian chef in Latin America.

3. Scarcity

The shortage trigger consists of create value from something limited, scarce, like gold, one of the most valuable metals on the market. This happens because our unconscious usually associates that the more difficult it is to get something, the more valuable it is.

If the lead is not totally convinced that they want to buy, they may be motivated to make a decision by perceiving the scarcity and that, probably, they will not have another opportunity to do so.

Amazon and Booking use this mental trigger frequently. When you search for something to buy on these two platforms, you can see the number of units remaining, and sometimes the number of people currently browsing the page. This type of information encourages the visitor to complete the purchase.

For it to work it is necessary to establish a real scarcity. If your audience notices that you use this feature often, it may lose its effectiveness as a selling point.

Example: There are only 5 places left in our classical guitar course.

4. Avoid pain

Human behavior is driven by the need to avoid pain or for the desire for pleasure.

Think of the people who play radical sports and they are willing to constantly take risks for the satisfaction of meeting an extreme challenge.

In the case of product marketing, it is even more common for people to want to heal a pain, so phrases like “Buy this product and save 20 euros on maintenance” influence the purchase decision, since it means that the user is leaving to spend money.

It is important to highlight that this emotional trigger it will work better if you know yourself well and you understand the problems that he lives in his day to day.

Example: Subscribe to our service and you will never have to shop at the supermarket again.

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5. Reciprocity

Whenever someone does us a favor, our natural tendency is to give it back, right? That’s why it’s so important create value for the customer before thinking about the benefits.

A lots of entrepreneurs still have difficulty understanding because they want to have a quick return after the investment they have made.

However, respecting all the stages of the and nurturing your customers with quality materials, your sales will increase naturally, and best of all, sustainably.

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In other words, if the free content you offer adds value to the customer, their reward will be to make the purchase.

Example: You sell a “Course on people management” and the reciprocity trigger is “Download our free guide and learn how to create career plans for your employees.”

6. Empathy

The mental trigger that we are going to talk about now is totally related to reciprocity.

The refers to the ability to put yourself in the other person’s placeunderstand and value their wants and needs.

All people like to feel valued for who they are or for something they have done. Showing that you care about buyers’ opinions and their experiences with the product is one of the best ways to build customer loyalty.

Facilitate the purchase process, have an intuitive page with keep a Being open with your audience are just a few examples of actions you can take to show your client that you care about their views.

Example: If you have questions about our product, contact our customer service and we will gladly assist you.

7. Novelty

Exposure to something new and unfamiliar has been neurologically shown to increase the amount of dopamine in the brain, which is directly related to concentration and motivation levels.

In addition to stimulate interestthe novelty trigger instigates actionsince people want to be the first to try the product.

That’s why big companies like Microsoft and Apple invest so much in Thus, even when the new version of a product does not present so many novelties, the public is interested by the simple fact that it is something unprecedented in the market.

Example: Learn about the new functionality that allows you to access classes even if you don’t have Internet access.

8. Curiosity

Curiosity not only inspires action, but also increases activity in parts of the…

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