How to disable access to camera and microphone in Opera ๐Ÿ‘‰

The Opera browser allows complete control over the permissions and services allowed for each site. We can control the permissions of the camera or the microphone and also block all the sites that use them. Discover how to disable access to camera and microphone in Opera

By default, the option is set to request permissions, but disabling the toggle button in the site settings for camera and microphone will block it entirely.

How to disable access to camera and microphone in Opera

Opera browser is popularly known for its privacy and security settings. The protection provided by this browser is said to be top notch and above other browsers.

Opera developers have tried to protect the privacy of its users at any cost and secure them. With the rise of privacy theft and cyber bullying, it’s a must.

We often come across phishing websites on the Internet designed exclusively to trap users and steal their data. These websites can also steal your privacy by using your camera and microphone.

If they are not disabled, they can easily access your camera and know your identity. Similarly, they can spy on your conversations well. This all sounds horrible.

Yesterday, while flipping through various news articles, I came across this horrible privacy theft news that freaked me out. I knew I had to do something about it. Otherwise, I would regret it forever.


So, I started researching about the same thing and decided to follow all the precautions to ensure my safety. Let’s take a detailed look at how it’s done!

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Disable camera access in Opera

Scam websites can use the camera to take away your privacy and put you at risk. It is better to disable it before a possible error occurs.

Here are the steps to disable camera access in Opera browser :

  • start the Opera browser on the computer.
  • Click on Setting from the sidebar.
    It will open the Opera settings page.
  • Scroll down to find the Settings section advanced .
  • inside section Advanced go to the section Privacy & Security .
  • Click to open tab Setting of place
  • Scroll down to the section permissions and click Options camera
  • Turn off the toggle button to Ask before accessing

This method can completely ensure that your images or videos are not leaked by your camera unknowingly. You will always be in control.

Disable microphone access in Opera

Opera browser also allows you to disable microphone access so as not to leak any audio clips or recordings to hackers.

Here are the steps to disable microphone access in your Opera browser :

  • start the Opera browser on the computer.
  • Click on Setting from the sidebar.
  • Scroll down to find the Settings section advanced .
  • Within the Advanced section, go to the section Privacy & Security .
  • Click to open tab Setting of place .
  • Scroll down to the section permissions and click Options microphone
  • Turn off the toggle button to Ask before accessing .

By following these steps, you can easily disable microphone access on your computer and laptop. It completely protects you from potential privacy theft.

Bottom line: disable the camera and microphone Opera

Opera Browser has put a lot of emphasis on privacy and security settings within the browser. With so many things happening around the world, we should always be safe even while browsing online.

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Theft of privacy is a serious crime and must be dealt with at all times. It is better to be prepared than to regret later.

With the option to disable access to your camera and microphone in Opera, you can be completely sure that you do not reveal your personal information to anyone in the form of images, videos or even audio. This way you can be more secure even while browsing sites you don’t fully trust. It is a revolutionary change in itself.

After a lot of research and suggestions, I was finally able to disable these two permissions in my Opera browser. It made me feel so relieved and safe without having to worry about losing private information every minute. These privacy and security settings offered by Opera are really a boon for all users.

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