Customer service: what it is and how to provide the best 💬

Customer service refers to the area of ​​your company that aims to support the consumer, guarantee the resolution of their problems and, consequently, ensure public satisfaction.

To provide a quality service through a virtual business, the client needs your assistance in at least three key stages:

  1. Before finalizing the purchase (to know, for example, what payment methods you accept);
  2. during the purchase process (if you cannot find the size table in your online store);
  3. after making the purchase (if you want to change the color of the product you bought, for example).

With this customer service guide you will discover what support strategies to apply to successfully go through all these stages and turn your customers into true spokespersons for your brand.

In addition, we are going to tell you what communication channels to use in your online business, what are the best-known tools to automate some tasks, how to interpret the main indicators to know how satisfied your customers are, and 4 infallible tips for you to offer customer support. excellence.

What is customer service?

Customer service consists of giving support to the consumer, solving their problems and, consequently, ensuring their satisfaction.

To offer a good service, it is essential that your team is well prepared to guarantee clear, human, empathic and proactive communication with customers.

This aspect is essential for the success of your business, to the point that treating the consumer is considered even more important than the price of the product.

According to , a consulting firm created by customer service expert Esteban Kolsky, 86% of consumers would pay more for a product or service if it meant receiving superior support than the rest.

Offering good customer service has multiple benefits for your company; the two most outstanding are the retention and loyalty of consumers, as well as the set of valuable information that you can obtain about your target audience.

In relation to this last benefit, keep in mind that the information about the users obtained by the support team, when shared with the marketing team through meetings or monthly reports, will be transformed into content and campaigns fully focused on the needs of your audience.

For example: if, in the last month, you entered a large number of questions about payment methods, there is an opportunity to clarify the main doubts on the subject.

The editorial team can include articles about it in their calendar, which will serve as tutorials for the customer service team. It is also possible to post on social networks that respond to the concerns raised by customers and you can even create a frequently asked questions page that will undoubtedly improve the user experience.

What are the customer service channels in your store?

Within the customer service channel options, we are going to mention in this post seven alternatives for your business. The idea is that you can analyze each one and choose the one that best suits your company and your audience.

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👉 1. E-mail: it is one of the most popular support channels thanks to its efficiency. To provide good e-mail service you have to pay attention to the written language, the visual aspect and the response time (ideally between 24 and 48 hours).

👉 2. Phone: For Generation Y (1981-1993) and Z (1994-2010) in general, the use of the phone became expendable in customer service. However, for older age groups, the first intention will be to call a representative. So depending on your target audience, it is important to consider.

👉 3. : It is a customer service tool that allows a private, dynamic and personal dialogue. To use this channel, we recommend you have a smartphone exclusively for this purpose. Then install the app and set it up with your company information.

👉 4. : It is a fast and intuitive customer service channel. Keep in mind that if the user preferred to contact you through an online chat instead of sending you an e-mail, it means that he expects an instant response.

👉 5. : the popularity of this social network makes it one of the most used by customers to request support. As in other social networks, the tone of the dialogue is usually a little more informal, however, it is important to maintain respect and empathy with each person who contacts you.

👉 6. : there are more than . For this reason, it is very likely that users contact you through your brand’s Fan Page. We recommend that you respond on the wall to the queries that come in that way and, if they are contacted by private message, keep the conversation in this same way to respect people’s privacy. Applies to all social networks!

👉 7. Twitter: It was the first social network to be used to serve customers. His proposal to synthesize each message in 140 characters (now 280) was and is very attractive to provide support, since it implies dispensing with formalities and responses that are too long.

Learn in detail how to use each customer service channel:


How to serve a customer in 5 steps

When it comes to offering optimal customer service, there are general practices that can be applied in both virtual and physical stores, since they transcend the concept of “selling” and it is simply about serving a person well in any interaction and context.

Then, how to serve a customer?

1. Personalize the interaction

One way to personalize the treatment with your users is by calling them by name. Whether through a chat, by email, a phone call or in person, it is a good practice make them feel like you know them.

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2. Focus on their needs

Keep the focus on what users need from your brand and avoid diverting the conversation if the need of the client or potential client has not yet been resolved. Listen or read their request carefully and provide answers and solutions focused on that request.

If you are asked about a product or service, do not try to pressure the customer into making a hasty purchase without first really understanding what they need.

3. Show initiative and actively offer help

It is true that nobody likes an overly insistent salesperson when we just entered a store or a very invasive one as soon as we open an online store. However, greeting the user cordially and letting the user know —in a subtle way— that you are there to assist them is an excellent practice.

Likewise, it is crucial to have the ideal sense of smell and timing to approach with proposals when you see it walking through a section of your business or browsing a specific category of your e-commerce. You can tell him that you have a special offer on those products he is looking at and, in the case of the virtual store, apply actions of remarketing.

Learn more about this topic:


4. I transmitted a professional image and behavior

In relation to the image, try to have your premises —physical and online— tidy and attractive. In the case of virtual stores, use eye-catching images that show the full potential of your products or services.

If you sell online only through social networks or WhatsApp, it is time because it is a channel that gives professionalism to your brand.

Another aspect that you have to take care of to transmit a professional image and behavior is the language. If you sell products or services that require very technical words or expressions to describe them, try to simplify it without seeming amateurbut be as clear and precise as possible.

In this same line of professionalism in customer service through language, avoid the word “no” and look for alternatives if there are any. Respond with complete honesty to your clients’ queries and if you don’t have a way to resolve their need at that time.

5. Be quick and decisive

To the best of your ability, I responded directly to the user’s query and then, if necessary, explain the context. In this way, you will save time for your clients or potential clients, and they will thank you.

Take advantage of this great opportunity to analyze if your business can —or should— develop a product or service that addresses this type of case.

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6 tools to facilitate customer service management

There is a wide variety of software on the market that allows you to manage customer service with the agility that your company needs. Let’s see 6 support tools that you can integrate into your online store today:

  1. : allows you to centralize all your customer queries in one place. It offers a free plan with basic functionalities.
  2. : It is ideal for small and medium businesses. The price of the plans varies between US$100 and US$325 and you can access a free 30-day trial.
  3. : It is the ideal platform if your company wants to provide customer support through WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram or Instagram Direct.
  4. : is an application that allows you to collect feedback. Customer service plans start at $50.
  5. : It is an excellent alternative, mainly because of its good price-quality ratio. The cheapest plan can be purchased from US$19 for each person who uses the tool.
  6. : It is a great tool to monitor what is happening with your brand on social networks. It offers a very comprehensive free version and paid plans start at $19.

Learn more about these platforms:


10 indicators to measure the quality of your support

Customer service indicators are metrics that allow you to analyze the quality of the support you offer through your online store. The most important are:

  1. Average waiting time (TME): it is the average time that your customers will wait to be served. Your goal has to be to reduce that time, improving your processes.
  2. Abandonment rate: it is the number of people who desist from the contact; this usually happens when the waiting time is very long.
  3. Average attention time (TMA): refers to the average duration of your support service, taking into account the individual contact with each client.
  4. Average post-service time: it is related to the average time that your support team needs to finish a case with a client and start the next one.
  5. Conversion rate: This is the percentage of informational inquiries that convert to sales.
  6. Direct evaluation: occurs when, at the end of each contact, you request immediate feedback, through a form, for example.
  7. : is an indicator that will allow you to know the level of customer satisfaction. The closer your NPS value is to 100, the better.
  8. Complaints: these are the inconveniences that customers express in relation to your product or service and it is important to pay attention to the most recurrent complaints,…
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