WhatsApp Business: definitive guide to use it and sell more

WhatsApp Business (also known as WhatsApp Business) is an application that brands can use to communicate with their customers, provide support, offer promotions and sell their products.

If you have an online business, WhatsApp is an excellent tool to have an agile and efficient communication with your potential buyers.

In this post we are going to review some of the functions of WhatsApp Business that can be useful for your business.

In addition, we are going to share some tips to get the most out of the application and, thus, you can increase the sales of your online store. Haven’t created yours yet? Start selling online with Tiendanube, you have a 30-day free trial!

Towards the end of this guide, we bring you some star content: our e-book How to use WhatsApp Business: complete guide. You will be able to download it for free!

Now yes, let’s get into the subject. We are going to tell you what WhatsApp Business is, how it works and how to make your WhatsApp Business.

What is WhatsApp Business?

WhatsApp Business is a free application and its objective is to help small and medium-sized businesses connect with their customers instantly. Larger businesses can use the WhatsApp API, which we’ll talk about later.

WhatsApp Business is available for Android and iOS mobile devices, Mac and Windows computers. It can also be used in the browser through WhatsApp Web.

It was launched in 2017 and its focus is on being able to communicate with buyers quickly and easily.

By downloading WhatsApp Business you can implement multiple business strategies. The main ones are to spread your products, generate more sales and provide personalized attention. We will see it in more detail in the next section!

What is WhatsApp company for?

The app is built to send notifications and provide support to your brand community. Whether it is to increase your customer base or to retain those who already know you, there are many actions you can take!

Let’s see each of the objectives and strategies that you can consider and carry out with WhatsApp Business:

  • Create a company profile with relevant information about the business for users. This may include a description, your name, email, and business hours.
  • Provide quick answers to your consumers’ questions. You can save and reuse frequent messages to quickly resolve doubts and queries.
  • Accompany your customers in the purchase process so that there is none left.
  • Promote products and services through broadcast lists or groups.
  • Offer exclusive promotions to increase your sales.
  • Organize your contacts or chat with labels in order to find them easily.
  • Automate messages to respond instantly, for example with welcome messages.
  • Provide technical support and service.
  • Send messages to multiple contacts at once through broadcast lists and segmentations.
  • Manage appointments or reservations in a practical way.
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We now have a clearer idea of ​​what WhatsApp Business is and how it works. Now let’s see specifically, how you can implement it in your company.

How to use WhatsApp Business?

To start using the WhatsApp Business application you have to follow a series of simple steps. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Download the WhatsApp Business app for or .
  2. Once installed, I opened the app.
  3. Read and accept the Terms of Service.
  4. Select the country from the dropdown list and enter your phone number in international format. The application will request a confirmation via SMS or call.
  5. Authorize access to your contacts and photos.
  6. Create your account by filling in the name of your company (make sure it is spelled correctly because it cannot be changed later) and selecting its category.
  7. Create your company profile by clicking “Explore”. Add a profile photo, the description of your business, the link to your online store, email and other information so that your customers can contact you and learn more about you.

Clever! Now you can start using WhatsApp for Business for free.

Business accounts are identified as such, and over time you will earn a verified business badge.

💡 Professional tip! Did you already have a WhatsApp Messenger account that you used for your business? You can easily transfer the data to your business account. I learned how to do it in .

How many people can use WhatsApp Business?

If your company is made up of two or more employees, you have probably wondered if it is possible to use WhatsApp Business on more than one device. The latest update allows you to use it on 5 devices (1 phone and 4 additional devices for each number).

Also, what they can do is open the account on more than one computer in its browser version.

What is the WhatsApp Business API?

The is its version designed for large companies. It has specific functionalities so that you can communicate with your clients in a simple and secure way.

To integrate the WhatsApp API to your business, a partnership with one of the business solution providers is requested. We bring you the link to access and continue the process.

8 advantages of using WhatsApp Business

Next, we share the benefits of using this application. See how much you can take advantage of to boost your business with this solution!

1. Provide all the information of your company

By entering the Settings section and looking for the “Company Settings” option, you will be able to include all the relevant information about your business.

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This goes beyond the name or opening hours. WhatsApp Business allows you to include a description, select the area you work in, locate the physical address on a map, indicate other means of contact such as e-mail and, of course, highlight the link to your virtual store.

2. Create automated messages

WhatsApp Business allows you to create automated messages for different scenarios. They are very useful to provide an agile and practical experience to your customers.

  • Welcome message for clients who write to you for the first time or who have spent more than 14 days without writing to you. There is a limit of 200 characters and, of course, you can include it to make it more attractive.
  • Away message to let your customers know that you are currently unavailable to reply. They also have a limit of 200 characters and are activated outside of the business hours you indicated.

Although they are automatic, away messages are sent only if the phone has an internet connection. It is important to highlight this so that you can ensure that customers receive it every time.

Lastly, don’t forget to include a mention that you’ll be coming back soon and getting in touch to resolve queries.

  • Quick answers that you can save to answer frequently asked questions. These are phrases that you can record in order to avoid having to type them repeatedly.

For example, by adding “/goodbye”, the quick response might be “Thanks for contacting us! Until next time.”

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3. Display your online catalog

Whether you offer products or services, displaying and sharing your brand catalog has many advantages. It gives you the opportunity to give visibility to all the points to which your business is dedicated, update it regularly and spread it massively.

This is a unique opportunity to show your contacts a glimpse of what’s in your online store, without them having to leave the app!

To activate the catalog in WhatsApp Business, I followed this step by step:

  1. Click on “Settings” and then “Company Settings”.
  2. Select “Catalogue”.
  3. Tap “Add product or service”.
  4. Upload up to 10 photos of each.
  5. Add name, price and description (these last two are optional).
  6. You can also add a link (perfect for sharing the product link in your ) and the item code.
  7. Click “Save” and voila! Your catalog will be visible and customers will be able to consult it as many times as they wish.

Once you have uploaded a product, you will have the possibility to edit or delete it whenever necessary.

When creating a catalog, your customers will be able to access it by tapping the store button that appears in the upper right corner of the conversation. You can also send the link in your conversations, so feel free to share it with your contacts.

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4. Generate a direct link

As you can see, most of the advantages of using WhatsApp Business in your business lie in offering a comfortable and pleasant experience to users.

For customers to communicate comfortably with your brand, you can create a WhatsApp link and share it on social networks, email marketing campaigns and in your online store. Thus, just by touching the link, they go to your company’s chat.

If you are wondering how to create that link, we offer you the solution!

5. Use labels

WhatsApp Business labels allow you to organize conversations and easily identify them. You can create custom labels like “New Customers” or “Ongoing Orders” to classify conversations with your customers.

6. Explore different formats

Don’t just send text and emojis! As you know, WhatsApp allows you to send photos, videos and even animations, so plan a good content strategy for this platform.

We recommend that you create a communication calendar and plan in advance the messages that you are going to send. To do so, you can take advantage of our free content calendar, look!

Do not forget that graphic files consume data and take up space on devices. So better use them on special occasions and find a good balance between these types of messages and simple texts.

To provide your customers with more personalized attention, you can send audios. Just make sure to keep it short and, more importantly, ask them if they’re okay with receiving a message in this format.

7. Provide excellent customer service

In this, as in the rest of the communication channels, it is important that you maintain the tone of your brand to inspire confidence and reinforce your identity. That’s why:

  • Try to use neutral, friendly language and not make jokes or comments that could be misunderstood.
  • Don’t forget to always check the spelling before pressing the “Submit” button.
  • Maintain the quality of your customer service with transparency, objectivity and efficiency in your responses.
  • Make your service hours very clear to prevent your customers from getting upset if they don’t get an immediate response.

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