Special dates: 3 successful sales strategies

In the world of ecommerce there are different commercial strategies that you can apply to your business during special dates to make it grow. Some are somewhat radical and others rather conventional.

The choice will depend on the objective you have set for your business: increase the average ticket of your sales, increase the conversion or make your customers more loyalfor instance.

These 3 objectives are the most coveted by stores, since they can really scale an online business and, even more so, during recurring special dates like Christmas or those that occur more spaced like the . Therefore, in this article we are going to tell you what are the best strategies to achieve them.

Keep reading and find out how to achieve the “panacea” of your business.

1) Objective: Increase the average ticket of your sales

The average ticket of your business is the result that arises from divide your total sales revenue by the number of completed sales.

In order to boost that ticket (and make it grow more and more) we recommend applying a strategy that, statistically, yields excellent returns in online stores: the free shipping.

But beware, we are not talking about free shipping that applies to all purchases, but only to those that are “from a certain amount”.

Why? Because, in this way, you will ensure that you can pay for that shipping cost since you know how much is the minimum that you will receive for each customer who chooses that promotion.

In addition, you encourage lower tickets to grow to reach free shipping and, in this way, increase the average ticket! Isn’t that great?

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This is how the Cloud store does it!

Calculate how much is the minimum amount that is most convenient for your business and take advantage of this strategy to apply on special dates!

2) Objective: Increase conversion

Every owner of an online business is constantly looking, and in different ways, to increase the conversion of their store.

Therefore, to achieve this (great) objective, we suggest that you create not just a limited time promotion… but for limited hours!

How is this? In English it is known as flash comes out and it consists of a promotion or discount that lasts for a very short period of time (the number of hours that the business decides).

How does this work in the mind of the consumer? We find the answer in consumer psychology! It happens that the time limit deeply seduces your potential customers and leads them to buy you impulsively For fear of being left with nothing!

Within the , this behavior responds to the principle of scarcity, so take advantage of it in favor of your business!

3) Objective: Increase customer loyalty

After having put so much money and effort into getting a client, it is necessary to focus on their loyalty so as not to lose them.

And although there are different ways to achieve this goal, one of the best strategies that we can recommend to build loyalty is offer you a discount coupon for your next purchase. Yes, as simple and effective as that!

Many of our cloud stores apply this strategy and it gives them very good results. In addition, they tell us that their coupon usually provides a discount between 10 and 20%.

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Since the goal is for the customer to repeat the purchase in your online store (and not go with the competition), why not try?

Give him a prize for the simple fact of having chosen you! If you feel valued and happy, you will surely take advantage of the discount coupon you received unexpectedly at the end of your purchase (we recommend that you send it to them via email).

Bonus track: if you have a Tiendanube, you can create with a certain percentage, for a fixed amount or to discount shipping.

Did you like the tips? Which of the 3 strategies are you going to apply to your business?

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