12 entrepreneurial projects to do on the internet

Entrepreneurship is an activity that has always existed in the history of business. In fact, many of the great brands we know today started with the idea of ​​some young entrepreneurs who had the vision to turn their ideas into something profitable.

We currently have an incredible historical advantage that allows our business ideas to take shape and develop rapidly because never before has humanity had as much access to world knowledge as it does now. You know what I mean? Of course! The internet is one of the most powerful media today and can be one of the drivers of our entrepreneurial projects.

If you are deciding to start in the entrepreneurial world, we leave you these ideas that can help you direct your desires, inspire you or open up your panorama a little about what can be done on the internet.

What is an entrepreneurial project?

Let’s start by defining that an entrepreneurial project is one that can solve a problem in an innovative way. It is normally characterized as a project aimed at satisfying the need in a specific sector and is considered successful when it achieves that purpose and is profitable at the same time.

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How difficult is it to undertake on the internet?

This answer depends on the characteristics of your project, because, although it is not too complicated to use the new digital tools, internal aspects of your business idea or project must be taken into account to consider how difficult it can be to reach your goals and the panorama and market in which you start your business.

For this reason, the most advisable thing to do before embarking is to have real data, specific objectives of what you want to achieve and detailed plans of the actions you need to carry out and the resources you require.

But don’t be scared, we have some data with which you can begin to see the horizon of entrepreneurship according to the

Entrepreneurial universe in 2020

  • 39% Women entrepreneurs
  • 61% Men entrepreneurs

Age of the companies

  • 36% between 1 and 3 years
  • 22% less than a year
  • 14% between 4 and 5 years
  • 13% between 6 and 10 years
  • 15% over 10 years

What are you offering

  • 45% services
  • 25% products
  • 30% products and services

digital presence

  • 85% of projects have a digital presence
  • 15% do not have a digital presence

8 Motivations to undertake

  1. Personal growth
  2. Solve market or environmental problems
  3. Find a profitable opportunity
  4. Increase income level
  5. Service product development
  6. stop having a boss
  7. no stable job
  8. Flexible schedule

4 Main difficulties faced by Mexican entrepreneurs

  1. Financing alternatives
  2. tax structure
  3. bureaucracies
  4. fear of failure

4 main reasons for failure

  1. Lack of market knowledge
  2. Bad business management
  3. problems with partners
  4. Lack of working capital

So, when thinking about these data, we can understand that having an entrepreneurial project, whether offline or online, requires paying attention, as we already mentioned, to the environment in which we are going to develop, the market we want to reach, and its possible difficulties.

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🚀 Check out this super and find out what else you should consider in the online business world.

But not everything is planning, also having a passion for what you do is a key to success for any entrepreneur, because this path also requires mental strength and self-motivation to move forward.

If you don’t work for your dreams, someone will hire you to work for theirs.

Steve Jobs

12 entrepreneurial project ideas (examples)

And well, if your entrepreneurial vein continues to get excited when you read these words, here we leave you 12 project ideas that you can undertake from the internet. Perhaps some of these ideas check with your own purpose.

1. Package and sell knowledge

Now more than ever, online education has experienced rapid growth and demand among the public around the world due to the changes caused by the 2020 pandemic. This represents a great opportunity to start a project focused on knowledge.

We are not only talking about selling courses on something that you master but about creating a site where you can sell other people’s knowledge, for example creating categories and packages of one or two courses, whether live or pre-recorded, that you do not necessarily teach. In this model you can focus on specific communities of knowledge consumers and look for the people who can provide it.

According to the Internet Association’s 2021 Online Education Study, online and blended education modalities are preferred by the 25-39 age group.

That is, for people of working age and economically active this only in Mexico, taking into account that with the internet you can open your offer to other countries in Latin America. Do you see any opportunity there?💸

2. Create an e-commerce agency

More and more people want to add their business to the digital world but do not always know how to do it. How about you create a project where you can manage their online businesses for them (or with them). We know that you don’t need to be an expert programmer because there are options like Tiendanube that allow you to create online stores easily.

The advantage is that you could choose a specific niche of clients and with a few extra hands create a project that supports more people.

📌 Tip: If you already have an agency you can and increase your earnings by referring clients.

3. Sell accounting and financial services

Think of the number of entrepreneurs who need help with their accounting. If you are an accountant, financier or know a community of accountants that can provide their services to new entrepreneurs, sell them!

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You can offer packages that include everything from bookkeeping and reporting to creating and analyzing company financial statements. Depending on the stage of business maturation, you can create different market niches to sell this type of services.

4. Launch a photo sales project

If you are an Instagram star and your photos are one of those that receive hundreds or thousands of likes, do not wait too long, many sites and web magazines are looking for people who can help them feed their social networks and sites with unpublished content.

You’d be surprised how many online, travel, social, and recommendation magazines don’t have enough material to post on their social media. Start monetizing your profile by searching the web editors of the magazines and show them your personal portfolio.

5. Create a community of translators

Are you good with languages ​​and have translation certificates but don’t like teaching? Surprise! There are many people who feel the same as you and there are many others who need your services. Why not search for that community of translators and direct them towards a specific market?

📌 Tip: Look for groups on Facebook and there are a huge number of communities that bring together your next translator collaborators.

6. Support local businesses to sell online

Another good opportunity on the internet is to create your online store with local products that you do not necessarily produce yourself. For example, you can have a specific online store for the southern area of ​​your city where you offer natural products from stores in certain neighborhoods, you are in charge of positioning, attracting and selling online and they produce.

This is similar to dropshipping but on a local scale, of course you can launch to make it bigger, you will find everything you need to know to generate this type of business in Mexico.

📌 Tip: You could start with coffee shops and deliver based on customer location.

7. Create your college book summaries project

This is one of the entrepreneurial projects that I always longed for someone to do for me in college. If you search YouTube and even Spotify, you will probably find programs and channels dedicated to talking about book summaries. best sellersbusiness or novels, but can anyone think of university students?

How about you create an internet project where you summarize and explain college books by classic authors in audio or video?

📌 Tip: Remember that your audience is a student. The subscription could be decorous out of pure solidarity, the volume will pay it back.

8. Launch a local delivery project

It’s not about competing with the best-known delivery apps… or yes, that depends on how much effort and resources you dedicate, but as an entrepreneurial project, start making deliveries within your neighborhood or other neighborhoods where it may not be very common to use delivery applications, it can be a profitable venture.

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💡Example: There are very large subdivisions in different cities of the country where there are stores selling different things, however there are people who are not willing to go down some nails to the entrance of the subdivision because they live on the 4th floor. That’s where your project comes in.

9. Support other entrepreneurs to take advantage of the digital world

If you are an expert in Digital Marketing, SEO, content, UX or some other digital discipline, you can not only aspire to create a great consulting agency, you can create small tutorials on how to bring your business closer to the online world. We are full of content that tells us what to do, but few people teach us how. This is a great opportunity to start an entrepreneurial project and bring more people closer to the world of online business.

💡Example: You could start in groups of entrepreneurs offering short consultations and later sell pre-recorded tutorials on how to create a brand in their networks. Start by helping them find your company name with a .

10. Offer services research

As we have seen in this and other articles, the digital world is extremely extensive and vast to create business possibilities. Now let’s think, what is missing from these businesses? Data! You can start a project where you dedicate yourself to generating studies, surveys and reports on behavior, needs and statistical data for different sectors. Yes, everything from the internet, even the surveys.

11. Sell written digital content

This project goes beyond writing a blog or entering the freelancers platform to write articles. It is about creating content according to a specific niche that helps the attraction strategy of various entrepreneurs or businesses. Articles, e-books, guides, infographics, a whole package of content so that they can position themselves in search engines.

📌 Tip: Read our article and discover why this point is important

12. Create communities around a specific topic

We all have a hobby and the project of creating communities continues to be a successful undertaking. This project is about adding relevant content that your community finds valuable around a specific topic that you can then monetize with brands and sponsorships that are interested in your audience.

It seems obvious and somewhat competitive, however the trend of internet penetration in Mexico continues to increase and more people enter the digital world every day. Do you think the market is small?


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