How to be an influencer? 6 tips to get it [+casos de éxito]

Influencers are well-known people on social networks, with thousands or millions of followers. As their opinions are highly taken into account by the community they create, this figure inaugurated a new way of doing digital marketing. Let’s see how to be an influencer!

What is an influencer?

Influencers are opinion leaders, that is, people who have great credibility on a particular topic. Due to their reach in social networks, they can become promoters of a brand. His great ability is to attract his community to try a certain product or service.

They are characterized by having a very high engagement (that is, the level of commitment that the audience has with the figure or brand) with the community they create. In addition, their followers are reflected in some way, they perceive them as genuine peers and this drives the value that is given to their words.

By becoming authorities within a niche, they gain the esteem of their followers who trust their recommendations. This counts from the purchase of an item, to the suggestion to see a movie, participate in a raffle or promote the launch of a new brand.

This figure, moreover, is born in the digital context that we live from some very particular characteristics. The two most distinctive features are:

  • The amount of time we spend on our phones: It is estimated that it is between 3 and 4 hours a day.
  • Many of us are part of the “skip-ad” generation: experience on digital platforms has trained our senses to recognize paid ads and quickly skip them, in a matter of 1 or 2 seconds!

In this scenario, companies need to be increasingly creative to find the best ways to reach their target audience. To understand what an influencer is, do we see a good example?

Alexis Moyano is an Argentine illustrator and animator who has 216,000 followers on Instagram.

In collaboration with Cabify, he made a series of videos that promote the mobility app, through his characteristic humor. In this way, the content has many more chances to be seen by the audience.

There is no explicit mention of recommending the download or use of this platform and, precisely for this reason, it is much more likely that users will see the ad and that they will be aware of Cabify. Later, when they have to request a ride, they may remember “that commercial that made them laugh.”

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I kept exploring the topic!


How to be an influencer: here are the keys

At this point, you may be thinking about the idea of ​​increasing your social media reach to dedicate yourself to this. In fact, this is one that many people choose.

Now that we have a clearer idea of ​​what it means to be an influencer, it is important that you take into account these 6 keys to becoming one:

  1. Specialize in a subject.
  2. Support your content in photos and videos.
  3. Be consistent and relevant.
  4. Be honest with your followers.
  5. Interact with your audience.
  6. Use relevant hashtags.

Let’s look at each of these aspects in detail. 😎

1. Specialize in a subject

To become an authority in a certain niche, you have to handle a lot of knowledge about theory and practice, as well as the audience you are targeting. It is not about being famous, but an expert in an area.

2. Support your content in photos and videos

It is not an immovable rule, but if we think about how to be an influencer, the most common thing is that you communicate with your audience through visual content.

you can create a sharing travel images, photos of food you recommend, video tutorials where you explain something, screenshots of a hotel or samples of the makeup you’re trying, you name it!

Users, almost without realizing it, demand more and more quality web content to dedicate their time and attention to.

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3. Be consistent and relevant

For your content to be featured, you have to be present on user platforms frequently, so they will be more likely to access your photos and videos. In addition, it is crucial that you can offer a product that has some kind of authenticity.

Although there will be other influencers who talk about the same thing as you, your content has to have some kind of differential, an original trait for your followers to choose you. It can be in your general brand image, your way of speaking, your sense of humor to communicate, your attention to detail, the options are endless!

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4. Be honest with your followers

We already talked about that, if there is a trait that defines what it is to be an influencer, it is credibility. If your audience is growing, it is because they are trusting you, your words and recommendations. So… don’t let them down!

Take care of your suggestions to always offer good quality content. Building an excellent reputation from the beginning is the best advice to form the best foundations and grow on a solid foundation.

5. Interact with your audience

Although we are focusing on generating good content, another feature that will help you be close to your community is interacting with it.

Propose topics for discussion, read and respond to their comments if you’re live on Instagram or YouTube. Social networks are made for people to interact. It is more entertaining to follow someone who not only speaks, but also listens, thinks, reflects, shares and disagrees. Join the conversation!

6. Use relevant hashtags

A hashtag is a clickable keyword or phrase preceded by the pound sign (#). It serves to mark the content so that both platforms and users quickly identify what it is about. For example, under the Instagram tag we group the contents that belong to our 100% virtual photo exhibition. 📸

In the process of getting to know your community, you will be able to identify the best hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts.

Since they work as references to tag your content, they are very useful when it comes to ordering your posts and having more chances of discovery by users who are not yet following you but are interested in the theme of that hashtag.

Influencers who are success stories

In this section we want to bring concrete examples of opinion leaders that you most likely know. Some of the most popular are:

  • Paulina Cocina: Known for her charisma and simple recipes, she has 2.7 million followers on Instagram.
  • Lizardo Ponce: the broadcaster and journalist increased his reach exponentially on social networks during 2020, today he has 1.3 million followers.
  • Santi Maratea: one of the most prominent at the moment for having been able to raise enormous sums of money for charity and social causes. His community is almost 2 million people.
  • Dani La Chepi: The actress and comedian is known for creating humorous content, in many cases with her daughter Isabella. It has 3.3 million followers.
  • Melisa Pereyra: She is a gynecologist graduated from the UBA and a reference in women’s health, she shares relevant content to her community of almost 810,000 people.
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Being an influencer and selling online: the case of Marti Benza

We already talked about the intersection between influencers and brands that take advantage of the reach and engagement of these accounts to reach new users. Now we want to make a special mention, which we find very inspiring!

The influencer Marti Benza is a youtuber (that is, her greatest arrival is on the YouTube platform, through videos) and she has 837,000 subscribers on her channel. She launched her merchandising by creating the Tiendanube and, in just a day and a half, she had hundreds of sales that sold out her stock.

Impressive, right? If you are having a good reception on your networks and you are thinking of working as an influencer to promote your brand of services or products, remember that we offer you a 30-day free trial on our e-commerce platform!

Now that you know how to be an influencer…

If you have come this far, you already have a much clearer idea of ​​what an influencer is and what their tasks are.

You may not be particularly interested in becoming a thought leader, but rather taking your brand or startup to the next level. In this case, we leave you. A well-coordinated action with one of them can make a garment run out of stock in minutes, or you can receive a good volume of followers interested in your brand and products.

We hope that this article on how to be an influencer and the keys to achieving it will be useful to you. In short, it’s about having authority in an area, being perceived as a genuine peer in your community, and generating a higher-than-average level of engagement. successes!

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