What is and how to make a store on Facebook

Social networks are no longer simple social channels to share photos of your vacations or spy on the life of a celebrity: today they are a powerful tool to achieve sales for your brand and, moreover, sell directly through them!

We already share everything you need to know about . Now it’s time to tell you all about the store within Facebook, the other giant of the moment in social networks.

What is the store on Facebook?

The store on Facebook is a tab that you can add to your company profile and with which you can show the products that you have for sale in your . Don’t have one yet? We invite you for 30 days!

It is ideal for merchants and retailers who want to reach more people through this social network. In addition, it is a totally free tool and no commission is charged for the earnings you have through it.

What can you do with stores on Facebook?

The store on Facebook is a kind of virtual storefront, just like your online store! Except that in this case the exposure of your products is more immediate, since the user who is browsing social networks will be able to immediately see the products you sell online. It is also, an online sales channel ideal for special dates like El Buen Fin or CyberMonday.

Once the user saw a product in a Facebook store, liked it and wants to buy it, they can click on it and will be redirected directly to your online store to complete the purchase.

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Below we share a summary of what this functionality allows within the social network:

1. Add products and information about them

You can upload photos and all the items you sell in your e-commerce. Remember to choose excellent product photographs to highlight their qualities and be able to achieve more sales.

2. Select and customize your store’s product inventory

You can divide products into different collections so customers can browse your store more easily.

3. Communicate with customers directly from your page

Customers can browse your Page and message you to learn more and make purchases.

4. Get statistics about your products

Depending on the type of store you have, you can check how many messages or views you received for each product. Also, you will be able to see the views, clicks and purchases of each product.

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How to create a store on Facebook?

Making a store on Facebook is free and quite simple. There are three essential elements that you must have in order to create a store on Facebook:

  1. A merchant account on Facebook;
  2. A Cataloguewhich you will use for both your store on Facebook and Instagram (here we tell you how);
  3. A e-commerce. Still don’t have one? Discover .

If you have already made sure you have the three requirements mentioned above, then you have everything you need to make a store on Facebook, follow these steps and, if you have any questions, remember that you can always contact .

1. Go to “Create your store”

Go to the Facebook page to create your store () and click on “Get started”, then select the option “Create a store” and press “Start”.

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2. Select a purchase method

In the next point you will have to choose one of the three purchase method available:

  • checkout in your online store;
  • finish shopping by message;
  • checkout on Facebook and Instagram (for now only available in the United States).

3. Choose or create a Facebook page

If you already have a Facebook commercial page for your business, in this part of the process you will be able to select it; If you don’t have one yet, then select the “Create a new page” option.

4. Create or choose a business manager account

This step is very similar to the previous one, if you already have a business page and a Facebook Business account, it’s just a matter of select the correct account and click “Next”. If you don’t have an administrator account, you can easily create one.

💡 Type: Facebook may ask you to confirm your business email.

If you didn’t see this option, don’t worry, that means you don’t have any catalog created yet; then, will be created automatically in your sales manager with the name “Items for . If you already have one or several catalogues, just select the one you prefer and click “Next”.

6. Add your shipping destinations

In this part you will be able select the country (or countries) in which your products are availablejust keep in mind that Facebook Shops aren’t available in all countries.

7. Check the preview of your store on Facebook

Before finishing the creation of your store you will be able to review the general information: purchase method, sales channels, catalog and countries. If all information is correct, review and agree to the Seller Agreement and click “Finish Setup.”

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After you have created your store, you will be able to manage your catalog, create collections, customize your store and finally, publish it to start selling!

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In conclusion

Did you see how easy it is to create a Facebook store? Without a doubt, this social network, together with Instagram, are two of the most chosen sales channels to complement an online store.

Remember that A requirement to be able to charge for your sales on your website is that you have a sales page or online store. Luckily, today creating an e-commerce is much easier than you think! Check it out, we’re giving you a 30-day free trial so you literally have nothing to lose (but a lot to gain). 😉

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