Best apps to edit photos for Instagram

If you’re looking to have amazing Instagram photos for your business account, we have good news for you: you don’t need a professional camera to take your brand photos!

But then, how do you get incredible photos to post on your business’s social networks? The answer is literally in your hands: with the help of your cell phone.

An aesthetic and harmonious profile captures the attention of more users and, therefore, increases the chances of adding new followers and gain a few more likes. That is the main reason to invest time and dedication in the , creating unique and original content.

Generally, brands and influencers always use the same settings to edit instagram photos and thus be able to maintain a harmonic and constant line in your feed.

You can do the same with the seven mobile photo editing apps that we select and recommend especially so that you can obtain the best photos for instagram.

7 Applications to edit photos for Instagram

1.Nightcap Pro

if you need to take out night photosyou can’t miss this app: Nightcap adjusts your camera settings so you can get clearer, grain-free photos. Magic!

* It is available for , it has a cost and it is in English.


is the queen of filters (he has loads of them!) and some of them were designed by professional photographers.

It is also one of the most wanted appsnot only because of the quality of its editing filters, but because of how simple it is to use.

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It also has more than 100 types of frames and textures to add to your photos. Not bad, right?

* It is available for and iOS, and although it was previously a paid application, it is now free. 🙂

3.No Crop

No Crop Board multiple tools in one app: In addition to letting you resize your images, it also allows you to quickly edit them through advanced filters and create collages of pictures. Very funny!

* It is free and available for e .


If you are a fan of instagram photos in black and white you have to try this app! Hypocam is going to give you that touch of style that makes the difference in the visual impact of social networks.

* It is free for e , and it is in English.


He is one of the publishers of photos for instagram most popular and really delivers what it promises.

With several resources and very easy to execute, it also has tutorials organized by subject to become a photography expert.

* It is available free for e , in English.

6. VSCO Cam

Another favorite of influencers is the VSCO Cam, a super complete tool for image editing.

It has some tricks and complexities when using it, but you can use Google or Pinterest tutorials that will help you a lot.

* It is free for e , and it is in English.

7. Camera FV5

If there is an application that it will make your cell phone camera become almost a professionalis the camera FV5.

With this tool you will be able to configure all the photographic parameters, such as exposure, white balance, ISO and focus adjustment. It is worth trying!

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* It is available free for e , in Spanish and English!

Learn more…


Now you are ready to get your best photos!

Now that you know our recommendations for photographic applications, choose the one that best suits your needs and start creating your photos for instagram. And get to work!

Remember that it is recommended to always use the same filter or type of edition for all the publications of your brand. So you’re going to have a feed clear and clean to maintain the harmony of all the photos published in your account.

And don’t forget to use these mobile photo editing apps they can achieve to show your products in a more professional and attractive way. And why not? They can help you.

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