5 examples of super attractive email marketing!

As we have seen in other articles, email marketing is a great customer acquisition and loyalty strategy; but for your campaigns to be successful you will have to optimize aspects such as the subject text, the content and the images (among other things) that make up the design of the email.

To inspire you, we’ve put together a series of interesting emails that serve as good examples. At the end of each one, we explain why we think each message really does have high engagement potential. Enjoy them!

1. Airbnb and the personalized offer according to the history of each client

Upon learning of the interactions that Mariana (our colleague from Brazil) had with the site, Airbnb sent her an email with an offer for her to travel to Rio de Janeiro again:

And not only that! They also showed him some accommodations that might interest him for the trip.

What do we learn from this?

It’s worth investing in tracking tools – like Google Analytics – and merging them with your for segment and send personalized offers that really make a difference and positively impact the customer. If the person feels that the brand really cares about bringing relevant content to them, they will have a more positive assessment of it.

2. The Exchange Center and the importance of the “quality content + visual appeal” combo

This travel agency in Brazil has a newsletter complete, with many interesting aspects and divided by topic. Start by providing articles with tips for the traveler, and only towards the end of the email include travel promotions. They do all this with eye-catching images and a great design of newsletter.

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What do we learn from this?

Instead of maintaining the typical email-only style with offers, the Exchange Center went further: it first sought to inspire its customers to travel through travel advice, photos and testimonials shared on their social networks, and then show them the offers and promotions available. .

The strategy of this travel agency was not to attract attention by the nature of its promotions, but rather by the charm of taking a trip. Think of original ways to captivate the reader before offering your product or service.

3. Tumblr and its call to action

Sometimes, and in certain cases, you don’t need a complicated design and elaborate text to create an effective email campaign. Tumblr is the example of that simplicity also impacts. Look:

As you can see in the image, the subject of the email consists of a single word: “Brilliant”. The body of the email is a single sentence that translated into Spanish says: “Show me some fantastic blogs”; and finally we have the call to action which says “go”.

In just 6 words, Tumblr managed to get its message across. Amazing, right?

What do we learn from this?

Scarce resources and lack of knowledge of tools like Photoshop, for example, should never limit you in creating a great and effective email. Creativity is the only resource that you should not miss and the one that will definitely make a difference.

4. The creative titles of Jazz nos Fundos

This Brazilian Jazz Club innovates in the titles of its emails, which are generally short (between 3 and 5 words). Above all things they put a lot of emphasis and positive words. These are some of their titles:

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– A fantastic story
– It’s spring, my love
– Beauty is fundamental

What do we learn from this?

Alternating between long and shorter titles, as well as between conservative and more daring styles, is a good practice. The important thing is to measure the success that each version has by looking at the reports of your email marketing tool.. Once you have identified which style your audience has more affinity with, you should align your strategy to it.

5. Anthropologie and the beauty of your email marketing

This women’s clothing brand stands out for sending very visually attractive emails. The nature of its messages is advertising but by including an extremely cute and eye-catching design, the user enjoys reading such content more.

His strategy is to work with striking images and include text on them, with a background that matches them. They even (pay attention to the lights in the cabin).

What do we learn from this?

If well thought out, the strategy of conveying a message through images can be very effective. You have to be careful that the email is not too “loaded” and “heavy”. If your message takes a long time to load, there is a greater chance that the user will get bored and leave.


In this article we show that there are many types of emails that can work. Whether with many or few resources, what matters most is the creativity to use what you have in the most effective way to get user interaction with your brand.

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