Why should you advertise your business on Youtube? –

For some time Google Adwords allows the management of advertisements on YouTube. Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you will know that YouTube is the most important video portal in the world. However, the vast majority of advertisers in Google Adwords still prefer to limit themselves to search and display campaigns, leaving video campaigns aside.

was created by three former Paypal employees in 2005. Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim, faced with the difficulty they experienced trying to share videos, decided to create a website dedicated to this. It was in 2006 when it was bought by Google in exchange for 1.65 billion dollars. Since then Google has integrated it into search results, adwords, google plus and others.

Since its launch and subsequent acquisition by Google, it has undergone numerous changes, such as in 2008 when it changed the ratio of its videos from 4:3 to 16:9 or when in that same year it began to allow uploading and playback of videos in Full HD.

Since 2007, Youtube has allowed the insertion of advertising videos before the reproduction of other videos.

Why should you think about advertising your company on YouTube?

First we must analyze some data from YouTube:

  • It is the number 1 video portal in the world with more than 1 billion views worldwide.
  • YouTube is the number 1 social network in helping consumers make a purchase decision.
  • 64% of consumers admit that YouTube has had an influence on their purchase decision.

What benefits can YouTube bring to your company?

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  • Awareness or knowledge, that is, it allows your potential customers to begin to know you. This can be done very cheaply. With formats like True View, your video is played before another video and you only pay if the user watches your entire video or if they watch more than 30 seconds. In other words, we can get more people to know our brand. This comes in handy for new businesses or existing businesses that want to publicize a new product or service.
  • Consideration: YouTube allows you to place your brand within the user’s purchase consideration phase. That is, users who already know that my brand exists and I impact them with my advertising video so that they consider me as a solution.
  • Purchase or decision phase: Super important if you have come this far, since the user is seriously considering your brand to make their purchase, in this case, the video that I show them is just as important as the destination page or landing page that they are going to reach. Everything in this case must have the objective of getting the user to buy through CTAs in the video and landing page focused on conversion. Youtube in this case can be super interesting thanks to the segmentation of remarketing campaigns that allow you to impact users who have already visited your website with your videos.
  • Loyalty or retention: YouTube can help you in this phase in which your customers decide to stay with you and continue buying. One of the advantages of YouTube is that being a social network allows shares, likes and subscriptions.
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Apart from this, YouTube has other advantages over Display or search:

  • Lower CPC or CPV: On YouTube, instead of cost per click, we talk about cost per view and this can be between 6 and 8 cents, something much cheaper than display or let alone search.
  • Free views: With formats like True View we can ensure that even if the user skips the video they know my brand and we don’t have to pay.
  • Segmentation: Video advertising campaigns allow you to segment by themes, interests or, like display campaigns.
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