Differences Between SEO and SEM –

SEO and SEM are one of the multiple legs on which digital marketing is supported and people who have not managed to manage strategies in Internet search engines often confuse them or fail to see the benefits that each one brings.

Next, I will explain to you how each one differs so that you are clear about whether it is convenient for you to use one of the two or both so that your website has greater visibility.

What is SEM?

SEM means Search Engine Marketing (search engine marketing) and are the techniques we use to position a website through paid ads in the search engines.

In a paid SEM campaign for a series of keywords, banners or videos so that visualize when a user makes a query in a search engine or if you are browsing the internet.

As in any market, we are not alone and there are other companies that are competing for your same keywords for what the search engine allows everyone participate via an auction.

But be careful, here who pays more does not win by the bid (although it is an important factor) but takes into account other factors: campaign structure, ad writing, website usability, loading speed, etc.

What most characterizes a SEM strategy is that the first results are displayed in a very short time. Although yes, improving them entails medium to long-term management.

By bidding at an auction, you you decide how much investment you want to do during the time you want to have your SEM strategy active

The advertisements of payment usually appear both at the beginning from the results page like in the endalthough those that are in the first positions are the most greedy since they offer better results than those that are seen at the end.

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What is SEO?

The initials of SEO They mean Search Engine Optimization (search engine optimization) and are techniques what we apply in our web what for show up in the top positions in search engine results and naturally.

In SEO you do not pay to be in a certain position so appearing in the results is completely free.

As in SEM, we are not the only ones in the internet world and search engines will show different web pages according to certain factors. According to the punctuation that you have at that particular moment, the seeker tea will display in a position certain or another.

Is punctuation logically is not known but it can be worked so that your web page gains greater authority for the search engine and shows you in better positions.

The techniques used are from a correct management of meta tags, content generation, a correct internal structure of the web, linking from other web pages to yours…

Differences between SEO and SEM

The main differences are:

  • Results: In SEM the results can be viewed at very short term but in SEO they start to show up medium and long term. So you can understand it better: SEM would be a 50 meter sports competition and for SEO, a marathon (although it could sometimes be considered as an Ironman).
  • Website visibility: The advertisements of SEM are usually displayed so much before natural results search like in the end. The results offered by the search engine in the middle of the ads are the SEO results. I show you an example where each one is displayed
  • Cost: In SEO is not paid to be in a certain position; in SEM are paying per click made in your ad.
  • Control: In SEM you can be true control over investment, pay more for positioning certain, pause or resume campaigns, prepare a campaign with certain offers. In SEO it is harder to maintain East control since in one day you can be in a good position and after a few weeks appear in a lower position either due to the dreaded algorithm changes or because another website is positioned better.
  • optimizations: In SEM, any change what you do in your bids, keywords or ads you can see what results it has. However, the changes what do you do in your campaign SEO can take days or even weeks.
  • Competition: For certain sectors, performing a SEM campaign can be unprofitable since to participate in the auction you have to make an initial investment that you cannot maintain. in SEOthis entry barrier is lower since we can enter a niche determined and gain positions or even settle for third or fourth positions.
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Which is better: SEO or SEM?

Neither one nor the other. These two strategies they do not compete with each other and they should do just the opposite: create synergies to improve the visibility of your website.

You have to know that for both campaigns to have a solid base, you have to carry out prior keyword research and that it should be shared. This research will help define which keywords you should target for each strategy.

It is very common that certain keywords are better worked on for SEM and others for SEO: a keyword can generate conversions at a very high cost in a paid ad campaign and we decide to work on it better in SEO: it is also possible that for a paid campaign, the keyword does not have sufficient search volume but we can propose an SEO strategy for gain relevance and that the seekers consider us like a reliable and interesting source For the users.

In a SEM campaign they can block certain searches because they don’t work for achieve the objectives defined but they can help for create an article or post and optimize it for SEO in order to collect traffic.

It is for all this, and for other reasons, that suits that strategy be joint and not be concerned separately.

Naps interested in knowing more about what an SEO and SEM campaign can do, I encourage you to read our posts in .

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