Advanced WooCommerce Course #7. Modify WooCommerce checkout page – .com

In the seventh class of the advanced WooCommerce course we are going to modify the checkout page (the order page), adding and removing its elements.

It is undoubtedly, together with the product page, one of the pages most sensitive to changes in terms of conversion. By altering what is shown on it, we can significantly increase or decrease web sales.

So, now more than ever, we are going to see how to modify it so that there are no superfluous elements or that distract attention from the visit. What we want is that they finish the purchase as soon as possible. Let’s pave the way for them!

We already have it! A checkout with the elements we want, in the order we want, as we have already seen that there is even the possibility of removing or moving the list of products at the end, for reference.

We have also seen a new way to remove content in a more granular way, within an element, thanks to unsets. We will see more about it in future lessons.

The important thing is to be able to customize it based on the nature of each eCommerce. An online supermarket is not the same as the website of an author of a single book, or a membership site. In some cases there are “surplus” things, in others they are missing. The key is to leave it as we are most interested in.

As always, if you have any doubt or question, you can send it through the support form of the subscriber intranet. See you in the next lesson! 🙂

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