Advantages of creating an editorial calendar – .com

In this tutorial we are going to see what are the advantages of working with an editorial calendar and why we should create one.

What is an editorial calendar and what is it for?

An editorial calendar is a tool that will allow us to plan the publications on our website or networks. It will be our roadmap, a frame of reference to follow when we prepare to create and publish content.

It is also a very important part that we must take into account within our content marketing strategy. If you want to know, we recommend you take a look at where this topic is discussed in depth.

That said, we are going to see the reasons why we should create our publication calendar, and what are the advantages or benefits that working in this way offers us.

Advantages of creating an editorial calendar

Organizing an editorial calendar is vital and will save us a lot of time and headaches in the long run. But, what concrete benefits can it bring us? Well, the advantages of using it are several, so we are going to detail them below. An editorial calendar can help us:

  • Establish our editorial routine: Although progress will depend on the number of times we create and publish content, keeping up with the posts we mark on our editorial calendar will allow us to improve our creation skills. It will also help us create and maintain this habit in a way that makes it more affordable for us.
  • Optimize our time: By not having to continually think about the topics that we can deal with, we do not depend on ideas or inspiration coming to us. The editorial calendar allows us to always have a plan to follow and some topics to talk about, which helps us use our time more efficiently and focus better. Of course we will have to feed it with new ideas periodically.
  • Advance the creation of new content: By creating our editorial calendar for a specific period, we will know what we are going to talk about at all times and we will be able to advance content that will serve as insurance against unforeseen events.
  • Maintain the rate of publication over time: This is also linked to establishing the content creation routine. Without an editorial calendar, the content creation process can be chaotic and not come to fruition. Perhaps we start with a lot of desire and momentum but after a while we faint because we run out of inspiration and we don’t know what topic to discuss. Having a calendar will be vital when it comes to creating and publishing content in a sustainable way over time.
  • Reduce stress: Content creation can be a source of stress if we are not able to channel it properly. Once we commit to following a certain frequency in the publications, it is expected that we will maintain it. Planning, an adequate frequency according to our possibilities, and being able to create a “cushion” or content buffer on which to rely in case of unforeseen events, will make all this much more bearable, it will give us peace of mind, and once again it will make it possible to continue with our strategy over time.
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Consequences of creating an editorial calendar

But the benefits do not stop here. Of course, planning the creation and publication of content within our marketing strategy can have positive consequences for our business. In fact, it can help us:

  • Increase visits to our profiles: As we mentioned before, planning our editorial calendar will make it easier for us to create content regularly and thus be constant in publishing new content on social networks or our blog. If this content is of quality and of interest to our readers, it is to be expected that they will visit us more frequently to keep abreast of the news that we are publishing. On the other hand, we also open the possibility of reaching other people or audiences that do not know us.
  • Balance the themes of the content we publish: If we use an editorial calendar based on categories, we will get more varied content for our blog or networks, which will enrich it. This is something our audience will appreciate.
  • Plan to create special content for key moments: This point can be significant when it comes to reinforcing our sales or improving our conversions and can be linked to launch strategies. For example, if you have an eCommerce and you are going to introduce a new product, you may be interested in making some publications about it before having it for sale. Or if the sales or some special occasion arrive, it is convenient that we have specific content prepared for those key periods. Likewise, if we plan to launch a new course or service on a certain date, we could also create content around that topic so that we can publish it beforehand and start attracting people who might be interested. Planning all this and carrying it out will be much easier if we work with an editorial calendar.
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So now you see it, the advantages of creating an editorial calendar are very succulent, it’s time to get down to work!

Summary and conclusion

An editorial calendar allows us to order and plan the publications on our website or social networks. It is a very important tool within our content marketing strategy.

As we have seen, some of the advantages of using a good editorial calendar are establishing and maintaining the content creation routine, optimizing our time, advancing content, increasing visits to our profiles, balancing themes if we use an appropriate category system, or foresee the creation of special content for key moments.

If you need to delve into this topic you can listen to where it is discussed in detail.

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