Affiliates: Find out how this career works

If you are a digital entrepreneur or are thinking of becoming one, you have probably already heard of Affiliate programs.

And if you still have doubts about what it means to be an Affiliate, today is your lucky day! In this post we are going to tell you how the Affiliate Program works and we are also going to give you tips so that you can follow this career with great success. Shall we start?

How does the Affiliate Program work?

The Affiliate program is a system that unites two of the elements of a sales process: the Producer and the Affiliate. It works like that of a salesperson whose contact with the client is merely virtual. Therefore, in addition to trying to sell a product to customers, it is necessary to convey an image of credibility and trust to win them over.

In short, the Affiliate Program allows other people to sell your products in exchange for commissions for each sale made. For this reason, the program is an excellent opportunity both for those who produce content and for those who disseminate it.

To use it, it is necessary to have an online platform that makes the products available, generates links for disclosure, delivers commissions safely, among other features that help both the Producer and the Affiliate to boost their sales. And with , you can have all that for free, simply and safely.

Who can be an Affiliate?

Anyone can become an Affiliate! With all the diversity that exists in the digital market, you can find an infinity of products that you can choose according to your affinity with the subject.

In addition, Affiliate Programs already have a vast repertoire of content in the digital market. Therefore, you can find various materials on affiliate and marketing techniques and use them in your disclosures.

I am a Producer, can I be an Affiliate too?

Of course! If we stop to think about it, Producers and Affiliates have several characteristics in common. Both are usually curious people who constantly seek to learn. In addition, they choose to work with topics with which they have more affinity. Therefore, they work and live from what they like the most.

Many Producers start out as Affiliates here at . But, the opposite also happens: some Producers become Affiliates to promote products that are related or complementary to the products they have registered on our Platform. Therefore, if you are already a Producer and also want to be an Affiliate, nothing is stopping you! You can transit between the two races.

How to find a product to affiliate?

After creating your account, you can search our Market for the products you want to promote.

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Do your search using keywords related to the niche in which you chose to act. As a result, our platform will show you the closest products.

Then, you just have to choose one or more products and join. If the affiliation is by moderation, the Producer must authorize your request; if it’s by click, just click on “Affiliate now” and that’s it, you can start promoting the product!

How does identify an Affiliate sale?

The platform uses traceable links to identify sales. originates links that allow Producers and Affiliates to advertise the products available on the platform and assign the correct commission to each one.

How are payments made?

Every time a sale is made, Producer and Affiliate commissions are calculated and distributed. performs this division automatically and makes payments according to the information you registered at the time of joining.

Therefore, correctly inform the data referring to the payment method so that when your commission is available, you can get the value you want.

Being an Affiliate in has advantages, such as:

  • It is not necessary to have your own product to start selling;
  • It is not necessary to have a website when starting the degree (although it is recommended), because you can start promoting the product in other media, such as social networks or blogs, for example;
  • At the time of sale, automatically processes commissions. Therefore, except in the cases provided for in the Terms of Use, you do not run the risk of not receiving the commission for a sale made;
  • Affiliates can choose from thousands of products, from different niches, to affiliate with.

In the Affiliate career you can work how and from where you want

If there is one thing this career offers, it is flexibility. You can work as an Affiliate at any time and anywhere, that is, at home, with your children, at the end of the day or during a trip.

It is enough to plan your activities well and take advantage of tools such as blogs and social networks. Both in blogs and in social networks, you can schedule the publications, that is, you can choose the days and times in which you want to publish your content.

That’s right, you can manage your digital business at your own pace and as you prefer, and of course, no suit, tie or sales counter. You will work where and when you want!

Discover the main types of Affiliates

In the Affiliate market there are 4 profiles, which are the most common:

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1. Affiliate Authority

It is the Affiliate specialized in a certain subject, who uses his authority to recommend products that may be useful to the people who follow his work. It is very common among bloggers, who already have a large amount of content and a good email base built.

2. Affiliate Introducer

It is the one that uses its image and credibility to advertise products. Generally, you have a strong social media presence and a large following. And yes… it is very similar to Affiliate authority. The main difference between them is that the presenter does not need to be a reference in the niche, he positions himself more as someone who tests products and services and shares them with his audience.

3. Scientific Affiliate

This Affiliate is very analytical and is constantly studying advanced marketing techniques and how to apply them to your business with ads, posts and other strategies to scale your digital business. It is constantly learning, analyzing and looking for new alternatives so that its content reaches more and more people.

4. Reseller Affiliate

This Affiliate knows well what products to recommend to the people in his circle of coexistence. And for those who are just starting out and have not yet identified themselves with a specific profile, this is a good path. As long as you don’t become an authority or scientific affiliate, you can start by testing your techniques as a reseller Affiliate.

How to become a successful Affiliate

If you want to become a successful Affiliate, the first step is to understand what it means to have a digital business: it’s like having a company.

And as we have already shown you, being an Affiliate allows you to have total freedom to work as is best for you. But, for you to have positive results, you must follow some good practices. Here are some:


Create a work schedule, defining how much time you are going to dedicate to promoting products. Set the amount of content you are going to create for the blog and for social networks.

Create delivery goals and also financial goals thinking about the profit margin you want to obtain in the short, medium and long term. Put it all on a spreadsheet or in management software. It is very important that you organize yourself so that you can really achieve your goals.

Invest in the dissemination of products:

If you are working with link advertising, keep in mind that it involves a lot of marketing and that, to do it in the best possible way, it is essential that you use the most appropriate tools for each type of advertising. Therefore:

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Diversify the channels:

It is very important to use several channels of communication with the consumer.

In addition to blogs, you should take advantage of social networks, emails and virtual forums.

Focus on a specific niche:

It is easier and more effective to dedicate yourself to a certain topic than to go out there promoting, on a single page or profile, various products that are not connected to each other.

Think of a blog that mixes confectionery tips with messages for those who love animals. It’s very confusing, don’t you think?

Choose good quality products to promote

When choosing the digital products to promote, it is also essential that you pay attention to quality.

Check if the material is well prepared, if it is visually attractive, if the information is up to date and if there are no spelling or typing errors. Also check the Product page. These characteristics are important because they help to increase confidence in the product and, consequently, to sell more.

Consider working with paid ads

This is a strategy that greatly increases your chances of reaching your audience more assertively. The links you publish will get more clicks and will also increase your sales and profits.

However, buying traffic does not mean just spending money on ads and expecting magical results. It is necessary to study a lot to know how much you can pay for each ad, what is the best language and what image you should use; in addition to knowing how to analyze your results to identify what is working well and what you can improve.

Keep your pages and content always updated

Create attractive texts and publications, with relevant content for your audience. Research keywords and think of topics you can write about.

Choose the product you are going to promote and believe in it!

Do not consider only your commission, think about offering something really valuable to the buyer. In addition to the commission, you will also be able to gain their trust and earn a reputation for making good recommendations. Conquer your audience!

Are you ready to be a Affiliate?

Now that you know how to become an Affiliate and that you already have several tips to achieve a successful career in the Affiliate program of our platform,

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