The Spanish vaccination strategy is focused on immunizing those under 30 years of age at one time, August, which is typical of holidays and heat. A propitious time for the consumption of low-grade alcoholic beverages such as wine or beer. However, are they compatible with the vaccine?
Alcohol negatively affects the immune system
Activating the immune system in the production of antibodies against Covid-19 is the objective pursued by the vaccine. Thus, its proper functioning is key to ensuring protection against the SARS-Cov-1-2 virus. This is why the Spanish Immunology Society reminds us that the consumption of distilled alcohol and drugs has an immunosuppressive effect, with mechanisms very similar to those that occur in situations of depression or stress.
“Until recently it was indicated that the moderate intake of wine or beer could be ‘immuno-healthy’. We must here deny it and distinguish that a pleasure during a meal should not be identified as healthy: that it does not negatively affect the immune system is not synonymous with health (there are many very harmful side effects),” explains the organization.
Following this logic, Sheena Cruickshank, a professor and immunologist at the University of Manchester, explained to HuffPost that when alcohol is drunk the night before or a few days later, the immune system does not fully function, which could harm the ultimate goal of vaccination. A conclusion also reached by Ronx Ikharia, a specialist in emergency medicine, in the BBC documentary entitled The truth about strengthening your immune system.
What happens in the specific case of the Covid-19 vaccination
The developers of the approved vaccines in Europe have not made any specific recommendations because the trial participants did not account for alcohol consumption, and the findings did not mention that people had problems after drinking. “There is no evidence that alcohol reduces antibody formation,” says Richard Watkins, an infectious disease physician and professor of internal medicine at Northeast Ohio Medical University.
In the same vein, the journalist Anahad O’Connor published in The New York Times that it did not seem that moderate alcohol intake, one or two drinks, could affect the immunization offered by Pfizer, Moderna or Janssen vaccines, pointing to that the danger lies in excessive consumption.
Can you drink one or two beers on the day of vaccination?
The conclusion is that alcohol is a substance that, consumed in excess, has an impact on the immune system, which is responsible for generating defenses against the Covid-19 virus. However, moderate consumption, for example, a beer or a glass of champagne to celebrate immunization, has not been shown to be contraindicated
“You should not get drunk in any case, including during the vaccination process, since alcohol negatively influences not only the behavior of the person, but also the functioning of the immune system, but a glass of champagne does not harm anyone. “, explained Carmen Martín Alonso, member of the Spanish Society of Immunology.
However, Marina Mateu, a nurse and doctor in molecular biology, makes another interesting reflection to EFE on the responsibility of each individual: “We are used to having the authority tell us what we have to do all this time, but with alcohol and there is no such recipe for vaccines, so you have to be careful,” he adds.