Aldi signs up for spring and already sells artificial grass to decorate balconies and terraces

The latest from Aldi goes straight into spring. With a view to the change of season on March 20, the German chain wanted to put on sale a perfect one to cover all the balconies and terraces before the arrival of good weather. A product that arrives ready to empty supermarket shelves and dye Spanish floors green.

In recent years, one of the most fashionable products in large cities when the good weather arrives, Aldi has taken advantage of the surge that it has been in the last year with the sale of innovative products to score a point. Sheets of artificial grass that since last Saturday already compete on the shelves of the German chain with the usual centers of home decoration.

In addition, for a simple price compared to the high cost that this product usually has given its durability, Aldi grass is sold from 14.99 euros in a piece of 1 meter wide by 2 meters long. With the characteristic that these pieces can be joined, forming a much larger green space, the German offer represents a great alternative to spring.

Aldi grass allows water to pass through, preventing terraces and balconies from flooding

A product that can also be cut, if the sheet occupies more than expected and its main property is that it facilitates the passage of water. In this way, when it rains or when a liquid is spilled, the water filters, preventing it from accumulating and flooding the terrace.

The perfect complement now that spring is here and long afternoons in the sun are expected between reading, teleworking or taking breaks before a long day. The latest from Aldi, ready to stand up in all sectors of the market.

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