Pfizer and Moderna vaccines also rarely cause thrombi, study finds

Getting infected with covid-19 poses a greater risk of suffering thrombi than being vaccinated against the disease. The conclusion, drawn from a study by the University of Oxford, reveals that getting the coronavirus vaccine carries much less chance of leading to this problem than passing the disease.

Specifically, the authors of the research, who have no link with the Oxford Vaccine Group (involved in the development of the AstraZeneca vaccine) point out that in patients with covid the risk of thrombus is 39 in a million while among those who receive the AstraZeneca vaccine, the risk drops to five in a million.

However, one of the most striking points of the study is that it indicates that thrombi also occur, and also exceptionally, among those vaccinated with doses of messenger RNA, such as those from Pfizer or Moderna. In both cases, the risk has been translated into four out of a million, although they recognize that the comparison between the vaccines is complex given the different data sets that they entail.

According to Bloomberg, the study suggests that the risk of thrombus among people infected with the disease is between eight and ten times higher than after vaccination. In the words of one of the study’s authors, Oxford psychiatry professor Paul Harrison, “all the evidence we have is that the risks of covid are much greater than whatever the risks of vaccines are,” who has also recalled that no one is free from contracting the virus.

The authors of the Oxford study counted the number of cases of cerebral venous thrombosis diagnosed in the two weeks after the detection of covid and after the first dose of a vaccine.

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The conclusions of the report come in full chaos in the administration of vaccines in the face of doubts raised by the cases of thrombi associated first with the AstraZeneca vaccine, about which the European Medicines Authority has recognized that the risks are less than the benefits, and , the monodose whose administration has been stopped in the US as well as its among which is Spain, which was going to start administering it at the end of this month to comply with its vaccination schedule.

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