Chronic diseases that generate a level of dependency make it largely impossible to carry out a work activity, a serious problem when it comes to being able to get a salary with which to earn a living. For this reason, Social Security guarantees a benefit so that this group can count on a certain degree of independence.
In this sense, depending on the degree of dependency, there can be three levels of disability, which can range from 33%, to 64%, or from 65% onwards, which are called moderate, severe or great dependency, respectively.
How to apply for permanent disability benefit?
In the first place, the public health service, the mutual or the INSS must determine the cause that disables the worker. Any of these entities may initiate the permanent disability file if they consider that the injuries are sufficient to incapacitate the person.
In the event that none of these entities initiates the procedure, the worker can do so on his own account, since, in the absence of prior temporary incapacity, the request must be compulsorily promoted by the worker, since they will not initiate it ex officio. .
To apply for the benefit, it will only be necessary to fill in the permanent disability application form, as well as deliver the necessary documentation, which in most cases will only be the DNI. On the other hand, it will also be necessary to provide private reports, the medical history of the public health system, and any other document that the worker considers relevant.
This procedure must be carried out at any of the service and information centers of the National Institute of Social Security. To do this, you can request an appointment, do it at the electronic headquarters or in person register.
Requirements to apply for the permanent disability benefit
It must be borne in mind that, depending on the degree of disability, certain general and contribution requirements are required. However, from a general point of view, to access a disability it is necessary:
– Not having reached retirement age.
– Being registered with Social Security, or in a situation assimilated to registration.
– A minimum period of prior contribution, unless the disability contingency is an occupational disease or an accident at work.
What diseases give the right to a disability benefit?
Social Security provides for a total of 52 illnesses that can guarantee the right to a benefit for permanent disability. These are:
– Agoraphobia
– Albinism
– Alzheimer’s
– Aniridia
– Rheumatoid arthritis
– Cervical osteoarthritis
– Ataxia
– Cancer
– Ischemic Heart Disease
– Chondromalacia Patella
– Depression
– Diabetes
– Dysthymia
– Rod and cone dystrophy
– Behcet’s disease
– Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
– Liver diseases
– Kidney diseases
– Epilepsy
– Multiple sclerosis
– Ankylosing spondylitis
– Degenerative spondylosis
– Schizophrenia
– Foraminal stenosis
– Fibromyalgia
– Cystic fibrosis
– disc herniation
– Stroke
– Spinal cord injury
– Chronic low back pain
– lupus
– Maculopathy
– High Myopia
– Narcolepsy
– ulnar neuropathy
– Post-polio
– Lumbar Radiculopathy
– Diabetic retinopathy
– Retinitis pigmentosa
– Rhizarthrosis
– Meniere’s syndrome
– Sjogren’s syndrome
– Sudeck syndrome
– Tourette syndrome
– Carpal tunnel syndrome
– Subacromial syndrome
– Syringomyelia and Arnold Chiari
– Stargardt
– Mixed Adjustment Disorder
– Bipolar disorder
– Anxiety disorder