Apps to organize your trip – ‘s Blog

To make organizing your next getaway much easier, we present a few travel planning apps and just think about enjoying yourself when the time comes.

But before you get to know those apps, do you already have ours? You already know that with the you will manage your line (or lines if you have additional ones) at any time, from anywhere and in the simplest wayas we like it at .

Tripit, to plan your trip

The way in which Tripit will help you plan your trip is very simple: with this application you can define your entire itinerary. Gather all the details in one place, such as your reservations, boarding passes, passport, the

In addition, the app is very useful when planning group trips, since the plans can be synchronized on the calendar and shared with anyone you want.

PackPoint, the app to plan your suitcase

How many times have you arrived at a hotel, opened your suitcase and realized that you didn’t pack something important? With It won’t happen to you again.

You will be able to organize your trip better because This app helps you plan your luggage, taking into account the destination you are going to, the duration and the weather forecast. and is available for and .

Windy: real-time forecast

sample winds in real time and on a global scale through graphics where you can see by color the calmest areas or those that will have high wind speed. You can even follow typhoons or hurricanes.

This application to check the weather is quite accurate and will help you plan what to do each day of your trip depending on whether the day is better or worse.

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iPlaya for your holidays at sea

If this year you have chosen a beach destination, the application It will make your life easier. In it I foundyou will bring information on the level of occupancy of the beaches where you plan to go, the type of waves, the flags, the aid stations and even the water temperature. The only problem is that only data from Spanish and Portuguese beaches appears.

MedusAPP: Jellyfish stings? No, thanks

One of the biggest concerns when going to the beach is jellyfish stings. Thanks to you will be able to organize which beach to go to each day, since Alerts you to the presence of jellyfish in real time.

And if, even if you do everything you can, you get stung, you also have a first aid guide available that will help you not panic.

Get good hydration thanks to Hydro Coach

For hotter destinations, it’s important to stay hydrated. The application is he perfect reminder to drink water. This app tracks what you drink and calculates if it’s enough or you need more.

Splitwisethe app to organize group expenses

is surely the best app to control expenses when organizing a trip in a group. With it you can divide the bills (equally, proportionally, exactly…) and the expenses you make on your vacations or outings with friends.

When the time comes to settle the debts, the app will show how much money you owe eachand with the way to simplify debts, instead of having to give an amount to each person, you will be able to give everything at once to one person.

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Well now you know how apps can help you organize your trip, now all that’s left is to enjoy your vacation. And if you are not lucky enough to have them… you can always treat yourself and make use of the . The point is to enjoy!

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